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Fastest Gains ADS Hanging Clamping Manual

Fastest Gains ADS Hanging Clamping Manual

This is about the ABSOLUTE fastest method to gain length and if possible girth.

I’d imagine Hanging would result in the fastest length gains especially with heavier weights.
Maybe a Manual warmup stretches etc and then onto Hanging.

What method of Hanging would result in the fastest length gains? BIB or Vacuum?

Also has anyone used Trimex injections? I read a scientific report that documents both girth and length gains from injections directly into penile tissue with TRIMEX over a sustained period of time.

And further though I haven’t read any evidence yet surely in an adult HGH or IGF injects would help if nothing more atleast in faster healing etc.

If there was a fastest method, everybody would already be following it.

This is a difficult field to do scientific research in, for many reasons, so accurate comparisons are hard to make.

There are plenty of threads on these topics, your best bet is to search and read, search and read.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

If there was a way to get my penis to my desired lenth of 7.5 - 8” erect length and 6” erect girth, I would pay thousands of dollars and get it done, if there was no negative aspects or results :D

Since there is none, all I have got to say to you is this.. KEEP GOING WITH YOUR DAMN PE’ing.

The fastest? Photoshop and maginifying glass will do, no side effect.

I’m after your opinions here and whatever you know of.

To me it just seems that hanging with higher and higher weights would lead to the biggest and fastest length gains rather than peing ads clamping etc

Add to it something that would help with rapid healing like aas or hgh or both it should be the best and fastest method to LENGTH gains.

Based on my research the traditional guys those whose tribes and people have been doing it for centuries like tribe in Africa or KungFu school or Specific people in India and more places all hang stuff.
And you see them with Huge um utilty not to mention that some of them can hang more than 100kg on their ends. The kungfu master in HK can pull a truck with 12 people(something like that) with his end. His student can lift 150kg with his. And he was saying that not only do you get longer and bigger BUT you last a helluva long time he was boasting an hour+ before ejac compared to a couple of minutes before that.

Our opionons and whatever we know is in these threads.

You get to read and research on your own, we’re not going to spoon-feed you. Once you do that, and have valid questions, I am certain many people here are willing to help.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by Touchmeifucan
To me it just seems that hanging with higher and higher weights would lead to the biggest and fastest length gains rather than peing ads clamping etc

It would seem true. And it is … up to a point. That point is mitigated by several factors.

The first is: everyone is somewhat different. There is variance inherrent to our biology. Each person has a certain genetic makeup which gives us our potential. The potential may be fully realized or partially realized due to external factors, diet, habits, etc.

Our biological potential can also adapt over time. Different individual’s adaptation also varies. With regard to PE: some end up being able to hang very high weight, but after a point there are limited gains - why? Their potential reaches its end? Their body has adapted to that stress? A combination of the two? Others can’t do so much weight without injury. Again, why?

There is yet another consideration: habits. The techniques and consistency of technique. There’s wide variation here. Not everyone increases the stressors at an even rate or pace. Not everyone’s consistent, either because of circumstance or motivation. For most it seems rest is a necessary component, but how much, and when?

Originally Posted by Touchmeifucan
Add to it something that would help with rapid healing like aas or hgh or both it should be the best and fastest method to LENGTH gains.

HGH might help, but it might increase your body’s ability to adapt and resist heavier loads. There’s also the increased risk of cancer to consider.

Originally Posted by Touchmeifucan
Based on my research the traditional guys those whose tribes and people have been doing it for centuries like tribe in Africa or KungFu school or Specific people in India and more places all hang stuff.

Research or stuff you read?

There’s a difference.

Regarding hanging as a cure for premature ejaculation…not always, and there are better means to achieve that goal; the problem’s about knowing your body.

Which is useful for PE.

Read about PI’s.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by ThunderSS : 01-31-2009 at .

Mgus I have.

Mrhappy thanks for your response.

Hgh doesnt cause cancer but youd definately don’t want hgh igf or any other growth factors if you ALREADY have cancer.

Nope researched and seen both on TV and with my own eyes.

Yes and I agree there can be many more alternatives for pe but I think for the most part lasting an 1 hr from a couple of minutes isnt a case of pe. I also think the mechanisms for why it would work in their form is not only strengthening and lengthening but also because your penile tissue is getting desensitised and roughened up too hence the ability to last extremely long

Time to do some more reading here on Thunders.

RE: HGH, IGF, AAS, Slin… HGH is pretty much useless unless it’s used with T3 and Slin. Been there, done that. It doesn’t make the penis grow, neither does IGF-1. The receptors simply aren’t there past puberty. The only AAS that has been shown to cause penis enlargement is winny, and that’s only when used in pre-pubescent boys. The risks and sides of it far outweigh any benefit for PE.

I believe only benefit to these things for PE would be better erections for clamping and improved healing. I’ve not done a cycle since starting PE, but I do believe that considering that while on we become basically just walking, erect penises it would lead to better gains from clamping. Since we don’t want to be erect while hanging, it may be harmful there.

Chemical PE is a possiblity through the same mechanisms where we have better erections from it. Priapism will cause PE, but can lead to loss of your penis too so one would have to be damn careful if considering such a thing.

My time using the substances you mention DID NOT lead to any penis enlargement whatsoever prior to beginning PE. I’ve even asked on this forum if GH injected directly into the penis would lead to gains. Trust me, if it would work, someone here would know it because there is nothing that hasn’t been tried before.

Each of the topics you’ve mentioned have been addressed before. Do some reading and then ask your questions…you’ll get some help from the vets here. They’ve helped me a great deal.

Hobo I have researched this site and read countless threads about HGH IGF etc some stating it worked for them, some feeling some downright nothing(most).

Even I don’t see it working BUT I can see it helping in healing.

And I searched for trimex and nothing. Seems like no one has used THIS DOCUMENTED technique for penile gains.

Now this part prolly has been covered and I read some of the threads but I presume the best Hanger is still Bibs? And the best Vacuum hanger is monkey’s?
Whats the best clamper? And the sales websites for them?

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