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Fat pad/base skin stretching

Fat pad/base skin stretching

Hey all, So while doing PE i’ve gained anywhere from .5-1” (my original data was terribley collected), but the NBP has barely increased at all. I’ve searched up a bit and found that its due to fatpad and skin stretching. I’ve felt around down there, and right at the base it curves up from the body (if anyone knows what a fillet is, its like the fillet between the base of my penis and body has just continued to increase), and it feels mostly like skin rather than just plain fat like the rest of my fat pad. I’m already working out and working on the fat pad, actually I’ve lost >8 lbs or so since I restarted PE this summer, but still no NBP gains.

Does anyone know a routine/exercise that might stretch the base skin so that it relaxes back down? I was thinking dry jelqing, but i figured that would be more likely to result in turtle-necking.

Any advice would be good guys!

I would like to know this too. I feel like the skin at the base of my dick where my pubic hair is is stopping length. I mean I can feel a lot of length but that damn skin just wont let go of its attachment to my actual dick.

Anyone w/ some exerperience in this?

Here. Read this, it is a post from a thread of mine asking basically the same question. I dont think there are exercises per se to prevent this. Just lose weight (fatpad) and your NBP should increase.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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Just losing weight though I don’t think will do it completely, that skin will just stay stretched won’t it? And if I can gain at least 1/4” from the skin, or more, I’m sure other people could as well. There’s gotta be something…maybe stretching it so that it relaxes? (just brain storming people haha)

I have the same issue but the penis under the stretched skin is still very usable during sex, IMO.

I doubt you may get even more than 1/8th from skin alone.

From what I have observed learnt and heard, any and all types of stretching will have some impact on the movement of skin. You cannot reduce all your fatpad so tr and reduce some of it. It is not impossible to see NBP gains while BP stays the same.

I dont think there is much that can be done for this though. If you do find something I would like to know to get ride of mine also.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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AOM's training log

Hmmm…maybe with a colaborated effort we’ll find a solution. I know the one reason I think this started to happen was because when I jelq, at least for me, the skin from the base gets stretched up a bit into that sort of shape. I see a lot of people here without that problem though, like there’s no curve near the base at all, and without that curve I get more than 1/8” (I did a mock measuring haha). I have a post in the member’s pic area if you guys want to see just how bad it is for myself. Lol, the only quick solution would probably be botox haha.

Current: BPEL - 7.375", NBPEL - 6 1/8" - 6 1/4", EG - 5.375"

Goals (Modest): BPEL - 7 3/4", EG - 5 3/4"

Goals (Maybe one day): BPEL - 8.5", EG - 6 "


Have any of you guys ever tried using anti-stretch mark/skin firming/toning lotions on that rea to see if it has any effect?

Current: BPEL - 7.375", NBPEL - 6 1/8" - 6 1/4", EG - 5.375"

Goals (Modest): BPEL - 7 3/4", EG - 5 3/4"

Goals (Maybe one day): BPEL - 8.5", EG - 6 "

Anyone? Seems this has become a dead topic otherwise…I’ve heard people say it ‘goes back’ naturally, im curious how that happens though.

Current: BPEL - 7.375", NBPEL - 6 1/8" - 6 1/4", EG - 5.375"

Goals (Modest): BPEL - 7 3/4", EG - 5 3/4"

Goals (Maybe one day): BPEL - 8.5", EG - 6 "

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