First post - Hanging questions
I have completed the Newbie Routine and now have about 6 months under my belt, no pun intended.
My routine over the last 3 months has consisted of the following (for the most part):
Warm up - 5 mins (when I can)
Manual Stretches - all four quadrants, SO, BTC, and bundles - 10 minutes
Then alternate between:
Jelqs - 5-10 minutes with Clamping 50% of the time, 2-3 sets
Edging/Horse Squeezes
Pumping - air, 2-3 sets for 10 minutes with silicone sleeve (really like this, and have seen some length gains in the pump of 0.5 inches)
Jelqs for 5 minutes between pumping
Have gained a bit in length and girth, good Pi’s all the time.
Try to do this at least 5 days per week at a minimum, schedule dependent on life.
I have had the last 2 weeks and, the next 2-3 weeks, essential off from work due to recovery from a surgery. During this time, I have dabbled in hanging with the Captain Wrench. Did my research and started lite with 2.5 lbs for 10 minutes, 5 minute breaks for 2-3 sets and over 2 weeks, have increased both weight and time to my current of 7.5 lbs BTC for 20 minutes, 5-10 minute break (jelqs etc), then a SO pull for another 20 minute set. Really no time limits for PE during this time.
I think I can “feel” the stretch and see, how long term, hanging could have some real potential.
Here’s my issue: TIME!! I have very limited time for PE. My wife is aware of it and has been supportive so far. However, I need too be realistic on what I can do in a 30-45 (max) minute routine. If I let it impact to much of my time, I will get blow back and need to stop. She thinks I’m crazy, as my routine so far has been noticeable to her and in fact she says anymore girth and anal is out of the question - something we enjoy when the time is right. We have a great relationship and have been married for 15 years and I respect her involvement.
My question is how do I incorporate hanging into a 30 minute PE workout? I read in Hanging 101, that one needs to work up to 5-6 sets of 20 minutes? I don’t have two hours for any one activity in my life that is dedicated to only me.
We have two kids, I work between 40-60 hours/week, have family time and responsibilities, and with my Gym time (30-60 minutes 5 days a week), does make finding time for PE changeling.
Any advice on a way or program to incorporate hanging?
Do I just do a hanging only program?
Would I be wasting my time doing a single 10 minute set along with my jells and pumping?
Plan is to focus a bit more on length gains and what girth comes with that is OK for now. Have a feeling Hanging will work, but..
Thanks for any help!