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Flaccid gains vs. Erect gains


Flaccid gains vs. Erect gains

Do the gains achieved with PE show more in the flaccid or erect state.

It depends.

If you are a grower, it will show in erect gains, if you are a shower it will be in flaccid.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Sunshinekid, I currently measure about 2.6 inches flaccid and 6.5 when erect, does this mean I will get some really good erect gains if I stick to the newbie method and go on from there?

Originally Posted by aekel
Sunshinekid, I currently measure about 2.6 inches flaccid and 6.5 when erect, does this mean I will get some really good erect gains if I stick to the newbie method and go on from there?

If you follow the theory of sunshinekid, yes you will get good erect gains

Originally Posted by sunshinekid
It depends.

If you are a grower, it will show in erect gains, if you are a shower it will be in flaccid.

I was a grower, now I’m a shower. Please explain.


Originally Posted by sunshinekid
It depends.

If you are a grower, it will show in erect gains, if you are a shower it will be in flaccid.

In my experience, you got that backwards. I was a grower, and have achieved fantastic flaccid gains. Erect gains too, but the flaccid seem more dramatic since I used to have turtle dick.

I am only 1.5” soft and 6.75” erect. What is best method to increase flaccid size? I can live with 6.75” but the 1.5” is just too embarrassing to be seen in the shower room with! Help if you can,please.

In my experience you’ll see flaccid gains first, before the erect gains. The flaccid gains also seem to cement quicker than the erect gains.

Originally Posted by mike5
Do the gains achieved with PE show more in the flaccid or erect state.

The simple answer is you will get BOTH.

You wont get one without the other, and its impossible to say which you personally will get more of.

On average, flaccid gains will come first, and if you are a grower, you will get more flaccid gains than a shower would.

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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Originally Posted by Slack
The simple answer is you will get BOTH.

You wont get one without the other, and its impossible to say which you personally will get more of.

On average, flaccid gains will come first, and if you are a grower, you will get more flaccid gains than a shower would.

That just isn’t so for some of us, Slack. I got terrific erect gains and just about zip flaccid gain during the years I was doing active PE.



Originally Posted by avocet8
That just isn’t so for some of us, Slack. I got terrific erect gains and just about zip flaccid gain during the years I was doing active PE.

Thats why I made sure I said “on average” ;)

For the record, my flaccid gains have been pretty much zip too…

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Originally Posted by Slack
The simple answer is you will get BOTH.

You wont get one without the other, and its impossible to say which you personally will get more of.

On average, flaccid gains will come first, and if you are a grower, you will get more flaccid gains than a shower would.

In my case, this would be a statement: Very true for me.

Ok, very vain question: My flaccid gains have been fucking Great! My erect gains have been quite small. Are they going to balance out soon?

Has anyone who made good flaccid gains found one day that their erect gains just kind of appeared from nowhere, as if to match the progress with the flaccid?


D-sut. What were your flaccid gains?

Now didn’t I read somewhere on here that people who generally drink lots of water throughout the day have longer/thicker flaccid penises?

That what I found on the days I drink lots of water. Wonder why that is…

Re-Start 3.10.2011 - BPEL: 6.750" EG: 4.5" | Current 7.3.2011 - BPEL: 7.250" EG: 4.625" | Just made my first 1/2"!

My PE log - My Picture log

After having read all the postings above, it seems to be different for all of us. My flaccid length is 2,5-5” (depends on the temperature, but usually 3”-3,5”) my erect length is 6,5 “and erect girth is 5,1” . I started PE 7 weeks ago and my erect length was 5,9” and erect girth 4,9, so I have gained quite fast. But I have slight flaccid gains, and now I am trying to increase my flaccid size. I am probably grower and I have achieved very good erect gains. When I drink a lot of water my penis shrinks.

Conclusion: we all are different. Everyone should use some common sense and find out his own way.

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