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Flaccid Stretch = Potential Gain?

Flaccid Stretch = Potential Gain?

Hey everyone,

Finished my first week of PE and feel great. Here are some of my questions after trying stretching and jelqing hands on.

1. What’s the best grip when stretching? I notice that I am putting alot of stress on my glan and squeezing the hell out of it. Some people say to grip 1/2 to 1 inch below the glan, but i am uncut ,and the foreskin gets in the way (even after I pull them back)

2. Does your flaccid stretch length indicate the maximum length you can gain? For example, I measure 5.25” (yea…laugh all you want ;( ), and I can only stretch to about 5.75”. Does that mean I am guaranteed to hit 5.75” or does that mean my max will be 5.75”?

3. I am doing dry jelqing at about 80% erect right now. It’s impossible for me to not get erected…it feels just like masturbating :chuckle: . Also, I can’t get enough blood flowing if I am not at least 70% erect. I hope that’s ok and my veins won’t pop (newbie’s post in general forum starting to scare me).

Thanks for reading my post and hopefully you guys can answer my newbie questions.


>1. What’s the best grip when stretching?

I prefer overhand (palm down, pinky away) a little behind the glans. I’m circumsized, so can’t help with the skin issue.

>2. Does your flaccid stretch length indicate the maximum length you can gain?

No. For most guys FSL is longer than BPEL, and both increase together. Sometimes FSL will increase before you get the equivalent BP gain.

>3. I am doing dry jelqing at about 80% erect right now. It’s impossible for me to not get erected…it feels just like masturbating

In time you’ll get used to it and be able to control your erection level better. If you get too erect, take a short pause and let the wood subside.

When I started out my BPFSL was 3/4” longer than my BPEL. As I gained BPEL at first, BPFSL wasn’t budging. I can understand why you came to the conclusion that your BPFSL is your ultimate potential for gains. Don’t worry, it’ll budge. Eventually ;)

Hey D-Alpha!
With an answer to your stretching problem; I am circumsized but have a fair bit of loose skin on my penis shaft so I understand what you mean when you say your foreskin gets in the way. It’s annoying eh.

Anyways, I have found that gripping with the pinky towards the body is the best. I use my right hand to pull back my skin at the base and grip just right below my glans (my index finger and thumb pretty much directly under and sometimes around the coronal ridge). Try it and let me know!

Later Days

Giver Hard! Scotty! later days ------ (Start) BPEL 7.75" x 5.25-5.5 EG (Goal) BPEL 9.00" x 6.0-6.25 EG

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