Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

For those of you with 5" girth

Originally Posted by MDC
Nobody addressed the OP’s question #2 or it was dismissed the one time I remember. The reason a 4.25” girth gains girth more slowly than one starting at 5” is because the amount of tissue you have to work with is much less (about 45%). So gaining 1/4” girth is a larger increase for the smaller starting girth. Unfortunately, that’s the math.

I started at 5.25” girth and my wife wasn’t terribly impressed. She really did notice and comment when I got past 5.5” girth.

I should ask her if she thinks a guy can make his penis bigger just to see what she says.

Most wont believe until they see or feel the difference.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

PE is a journey.. Not a destination.
Anything near 5” girth is a great place to start.
Enjoy the ride up.

Rock on Amigos,

Originally Posted by RedWilly
Bumping an old thread but honest to god most women have said it’s either average or small girth. That’s been my experience.

7.25 to 7.5 length and about 5 in girth. Maybe 5.2 on a good day.

I’ve only had girls say big when bottoming out.

While you’re working on growing your already above average girth..
You can take the focus off your girth during sex by using that length for a better purpose. Instead of that cringe that comes from bottoming your gals out, work with them to find that sweet little cervical uh.. O-pening. No one will be bitchin’ about girth while you’re giving them the best O’s they’ve ever had in their lives. It takes a bit of poking around up there at first, but once you get in there once she’ll be looking for a repeat every time.
You can read up on your female sexual anatomy while you’re doing your girth work.. Then go find that magical place!

Good luck,

Originally Posted by SirVicsPlunger
While you’re working on growing your already above average girth..
You can take the focus off your girth during sex by using that length for a better purpose. Instead of that cringe that comes from bottoming your gals out, work with them to find that sweet little cervical uh.. O-pening. No one will be bitchin’ about girth while you’re giving them the best O’s they’ve ever had in their lives. It takes a bit of poking around up there at first, but once you get in there once she’ll be looking for a repeat every time.
You can read up on your female sexual anatomy while you’re doing your girth work.. Then go find that magical place!

Good luck,

How do you find that?

I’ve never really got any comments from girls re girth. Throughout my single life they all seemed to orgasm (as far as I could tell) despite my being very self centered in bed, but no-one ever mentioned that it was a thick dick.

Originally Posted by boner7484
I’ve never really got any comments from girls re girth. Throughout my single life they all seemed to orgasm (as far as I could tell) despite my being very self centered in bed, but no-one ever mentioned that it was a thick dick.

You’re really thick man. That’s the ideal girth. I’m surprised you’ve never heard thick before.

But then again, I rarely if ever hear long, and I know my length is decently above average.

Maybe they don’t want you knowing because then they think you’ll get lazy in the sac! LOL

I have only 3.93 of girth. I would be very happy if I had 5 inches. More than 30 years old and still virgin

19/11/2017 - 4,84252 x ≃ 3,93701

Originally Posted by RedWilly
How do you find that?

Hey Red,
It’s not too tricky to find if you have a mate who’s in tune with her goods and willing to go for it.. And if, as I said in my post, you read up a little on your female genital anatomy.. But it’s not for this thread for me to expound upon.
Don’t wanna be hung for hijacking!
Perhaps I’ll start a thread about it so I can get.. Uh.. ‘deep’ into the details.


Originally Posted by lishaoran
I have only 3.93 of girth. I would be very happy if I had 5 inches. More than 30 years old and still virgin

Follow the path prepared by those who’ve gone before you.
Newbie routine.

We’re all here to help if you are willing to do the work.

Originally Posted by SirVicsPlunger
Follow the path prepared by those who’ve gone before you.
Newbie routine.

We’re all here to help if you are willing to do the work.

thank you. I’m already taking up the exercises

I’ll be grateful if you can help me with this question:

No swelling, no gain?

19/11/2017 - 4,84252 x ≃ 3,93701

One day, one day soon


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