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From hanging to manual exercises

From hanging to manual exercises

I would really appreciate if you guys could comment on these questions.

So I’ve been hanging with Bibs hangers for about 6 months. Only BTC angle. I didn’t had any PE experience before that. I didn’t had very much time to put in so I could only hang 1-3 sets a day. I gained 0,7” BPEL (from 6” to 6,7”). BPFSL is 7”. I have now decided to drop hanging mainly due to cock getting ugly; skin stretching (I’m uncut), discoloration. Also had erection problems time to time and developed girth gain of 1/2” in attachment point due to bad technique. I think I could definitely gain more from hanging, but I don’t want to brutalize my cock and make it ugly anymore. I think I never got the technique done right despite months of training.

Deconditioning break:
First of all I am on deconditioning brake now. It has been a week since I last hanged and it feels mentally very good when I don’t have to hang every night. Skin has been healing and soreness has went off. I fear that I begin to lose gains. How long deconditioning break should I keep before starting manual exercises?

Manual routine:
I have watched instruction videos of stretches, but I don’t know what kind of routine to build. How does this look? My goal is only length at this time. As I have only stretched BTC, I hope I could gain from those other angles as “newbie” gains..

Warmup: Hot wrap 10 min

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

5 min of light dry jelq

Should I do quick kegels while holding stretches? Is 30 second good time to hold the stretch?
Could I include A-stretch (inverted V-stretch) to this routine or will the stress level go too high? As I believe it could be useful stretch, because I have moderate upward curve when erect. So A-stretch feels logical as it stretches upside of penis more and some claim to have good gains from it.

5 sets of 10 reps with 1s kegels
5 sets of 5 reps with 5s kegels
3 sets of 1 rep with 10s kegels

After every rep trying to do reverse kegel and gradually build up reps. Does this look ok kegel plan?

Fighting discoloration:
So I developed discoloration from hanging. I have a plan to fight it. Could you give a thought how does it look like?
First I’m going to try lemon juice mixed with honey and apply that to cock every night. As lemon should brighten the skin.
If that doesn’t work I’ve ordered & , , Arnica Gel. That’s what Bib used to fight discoloration.
And if that doesn’t work I’m going to try those Alpha hydroxide acid products like Amlactin.
And along these products I’ll do these fire goat rolls.
I don’t know if any of these are going to help as my discoloration seems like

Originally Posted by Trapezius
. How long deconditioning break should I keep before starting manual exercises?

Based off your prior experience I would recommend 3-4 weeks with no PE at all to fully recover and decondition.

Originally Posted by Trapezius
Manual routine:
I have watched instruction videos of stretches, but I don’t know what kind of routine to build. How does this look? My goal is only length at this time. As I have only stretched BTC, I hope I could gain from those other angles as “newbie” gains..

Warmup: Hot wrap 10 min

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches: 25-Cranks

5 min of light dry jelq

Should I do quick kegels while holding stretches? Is 30 second good time to hold the stretch?
Could I include A-stretch (inverted V-stretch) to this routine or will the stress level go too high? As I believe it could be useful stretch, because I have moderate upward curve when erect. So A-stretch feels logical as it stretches upside of penis more and some claim to have good gains from it.

This looks like a good basic beginner routine for manual stretching. I would recommend adding 10 to 15 seconds to each stretch every 3-4 weeks.
I would wait on adding advanced stretches (A and V stretches) for a couple months.
When I first began I would do some kegels and reverse kegels during stretching. If you choose to do so I would drop your kegel routine.

Originally Posted by Trapezius
Fighting discoloration:
So I developed discoloration from hanging. I have a plan to fight it. Could you give a thought how does it look like?
First I’m going to try lemon juice mixed with honey and apply that to cock every night. As lemon should brighten the skin.
If that doesn’t work I’ve ordered & , , Arnica Gel. That’s what Bib used to fight discoloration.
And if that doesn’t work I’m going to try those Alpha hydroxide acid products like Amlactin.
And along these products I’ll do these fire goat rolls.
I don’t know if any of these are going to help as my discoloration seems like

I experienced pretty serious discoloration from clamping. Through heat and fire goat rolls it has been drastically reduced since I stopped clamping about 4 months ago. The results are very slow and you won’t even notice the change from week to week. I wouldn’t do anything drastic til you’ve done fire goat rolls and heat for a couple months and still don’t see any change.

If you have any questions feel free to drop in my progress thread or pm me.

DICK PUSH-UPS = GAINZ DickPushup's Progress log

Start (Feb 2016) BPEL 5.25", EG 4.125" | Stopped (Mar 2018) BPEL 7.65", EG 4.94"

Re-start (Aug 2023) BPEL 7.09", EG 4.76" | Current (Jun 2024) BPEL 8.03", EG 5.31"

Thank you very much for answers!

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