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Great flaccid length gain


Great flaccid length gain

Hi everybody

I completed my second month newbie routine with PE. I am measuring flaccid length with bone pressed subsequently warming up period and it is indicating me about 7” maybe a little bit more than 7” I also have to say that I gain 0.25” as a girth.

But I couldn’t see any length gain so I am thinking to add fowfers to my routine just I want to ask you
—-what is meaning of flaccid gains I mean what this gains indicates ?
—-If I add some fowfers to my newbie routine, is fowfers help my erect length or ıt is just for flaccid gains

thanks in advance

Have a good gains

Begining At 11.05.09: El 6.0" Eg 4.92"

Short Term Goal : El 6.5" Eg 5.2"

Long Term Goal : El 7.5" Eg 6.0"

Great! Keep doing. But why is this in The Dive? Is this a joke?

ohh marinera you are right sorry it is my mistake.

Begining At 11.05.09: El 6.0" Eg 4.92"

Short Term Goal : El 6.5" Eg 5.2"

Long Term Goal : El 7.5" Eg 6.0"

Originally Posted by dangerous
Hi everybody

I completed my second month newbie routine with PE. I am measuring flaccid length with bone pressed subsequently warming up period and it is indicating me about 7” maybe a little bit more than 7” I also have to say that I gain 0.25” as a girth.

But I couldn’t see any length gain so I am thinking to add fowfers to my routine just I want to ask you
—-what is meaning of flaccid gains I mean what this gains indicates ?
—-If I add some fowfers to my newbie routine, is fowfers help my erect length or ıt is just for flaccid gains

thanks in advance

Have a good gains

So are you saying that your flaccid length is at 7 inches? Great job with the 0.25 inch girth gain that is a good amount for two months. On to your questions, guys don’t try for flaccid gains for a special reason other than a bigger flaccid is “better” than a small flaccid. Some guys report seeing flaccid gains just before they see erect gains but I personally would not know if and why that is true. Some believe lots of PE may give you less of an erection and you can see the gains in flaccid but not erect yet because your intense PE keeps it from showing.

Fowfers could help with reaching erect length but I doubt it will give you length on its own, I look at it as similar to wearing an all day stretcher.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>


Congratulations on your gains.

4Foreskin ;)

My BPEL is only 7-3/4 inches , and I have been doing PE for years. Congratulations! That is impressive.

^-^ “Only 7-3/4 inches”? Oh poor! Whining because you are big? Can I sell you my personal penis reduction program for just 1000 bucks? Your money back! ;)

That is too funny marinera!! I apologize for the “only” remark. I realize that is quite a bit larger than average. I’m impressed by that big of a flaccid was all I meant. :)


Good gains, keep doing your routine and erect length should follow in a few months.
Fowfer is not an intense exercise, basically it helps to keep the penis in an elongated state like an ADS would. I think it helps in cementing gains.
But I do not think it is effective in creating gains, like creating microtear within the ligs and/or tunica during hanging or manual stretching.

Impressive. Are you following the newbie routine completely, or are you adding other exercises?

I should start doing fowfers as well. A longer flaccid would be nice.

Start: Dec 2009 - 5.75 [BPEL] x 5.25 [MSEG] 5.5 [BASE]

April 2010 - 6.00 [BPEL x 5.3 [MSEG] 5.5 [BASE]

Current Goal: - 7.00 NBPEL x 5.75 [MSEG & BASE]

Originally Posted by chainz 8
My BPEL is only 7-3/4 inches , and I have been doing PE for years. Congratulations! That is impressive.

What did you start at? 7 3/4 would be awesome. Some day…

Start: Dec 2009 - 5.75 [BPEL] x 5.25 [MSEG] 5.5 [BASE]

April 2010 - 6.00 [BPEL x 5.3 [MSEG] 5.5 [BASE]

Current Goal: - 7.00 NBPEL x 5.75 [MSEG & BASE]

Corvo, I started at 6-7/8” BPEL. Most of my gains came from hanging and jelqing. I quit hanging about a year ago and lost a quarter of an inch. I was measuring eight inches BPEL. Sigh!! Back to work.

Originally Posted by bluray
So are you saying that your flaccid length is at 7 inches? Great job with the 0.25 inch girth gain that is a good amount for two months. On to your questions, guys don’t try for flaccid gains for a special reason other than a bigger flaccid is “better” than a small flaccid. Some guys report seeing flaccid gains just before they see erect gains but I personally would not know if and why that is true. Some believe lots of PE may give you less of an erection and you can see the gains in flaccid but not erect yet because your intense PE keeps it from showing.

Fowfers could help with reaching erect length but I doubt it will give you length on its own, I look at it as similar to wearing an all day stretcher.

I am just following newbie routine but I added only clamping last week and I am trying to apply some fowfers last 2 days. Even I want to add ADS I couldn’t achieved yet.

Begining At 11.05.09: El 6.0" Eg 4.92"

Short Term Goal : El 6.5" Eg 5.2"

Long Term Goal : El 7.5" Eg 6.0"

thanks everybody for your best wishes

have a good gains

Begining At 11.05.09: El 6.0" Eg 4.92"

Short Term Goal : El 6.5" Eg 5.2"

Long Term Goal : El 7.5" Eg 6.0"

Dangerous, I couldn’t get one thing: how it happens that your flaccid length is bigger then your erected length? Or you always had that type of proportion?

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