I’ve only done manual exercises in my PE adventure, namely stretches, jelqs and squeezes. In order to deal with hand fatigue and cramps I do the following routine: I do a 15 second straight out stretch with my right hand, rest five seconds, and then two more fifteen seconds stretches with my right hand, both with the five seconds rest period. I then do the same thing with my left hand. I do five sets of these stretches, which takes approximately 5 minutes.
Next I do 25 dry jelqs with my right hand and then a 20 second horse squeeze. I then do the same thing with my left hand so I’ve now done 50 dry jelqs, 25 with each hand, plus two horse squeezes.
I then do 100 Firegoat Rolls which helps prevent discoloration and helps my partial erection to subside somewhat so I can do another five minutes of stretching as above. I then do another 50 jelqs as above, with the Firegoat Rolls and horse squeezes.
I run through this cycle three times so that by the time I’m finished I’ve done 15 minutes of stretching, 150 dry jelqs, 6 horse squeezes, and of course the Firegoat Rolls. If I have time I like to edge at the end for about ten minutes.
I’ve found this workout to be excellent in terms of minimizing hand cramping and fatigue because there are short rest periods in between the stretches and you are alternating hands for the jelqs.
It’s a great workout for maintaining EQ and I’ve gotten some decent gains from it. It takes roughly 40 minutes or so and I’m now doing two on, one off. I just started this routine again after a long decon break of about a month or so due to some discoloration on the underside of my shaft. It’ll be interesting to see how quickly I start gaining again.