Originally Posted by M8ter
Hi, there is a significant difference between pumping and clamping. Pumping draws blood and lymph into the internals of the penis and by extension, under the skin.. Causing fluid build up and mostly temporary gains unless done very often which can force the person to seclude themselves for long periods. Clamping uses the force of blood pressure to expand the tissues from the outside only. I know I’m missing a few items in regards to pumping (research the site), but, Clamping is far more efficient compared to pumping but is also more dangerous to a new penis. The results gained from clamping create effects similar to extended priapism, which has been medically documented to increase penis girth and length over time. Permanent results are well documented for clamping versus pumping which is for the most part temporary and requires much more time for similar gains. I’ve tried both and got almost nothing out of pumping for extended periods, so that is why I favor clamping along with many other vets on this site. Hope that helps.
A few notes:
- extended priapism is also medically documented to permanently damage the penis and result in permanent ED. I do believe that longer duration very hard erections are very useful in PE, but that’s controlled and not like priapism at all.
- there are many vets here who have made significant permanent gains with pumping. The protocols here minimize edema. Routines are typically between 30 mins and an hour. Does not require long term seclusion. Many guys do other stuff while they pump: wash dishes, read a book, watch the news on TV
- clamping may (or may not) result in quicker gains than pumping. But as you note pumping is a gentler exercise. Additionally some guys have experience the opposite of what you’ve experienced: no gains with clamping, gains with pumping. In my case clamping destroyed my EQ. Regular pumping improves my everyday EQ.
I guess long story short is some methods work for some guys and don’t work for others. Pumping didn’t work for you, clamping didn’t work for me.