Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Manual vs mechanical jelqs


M8ter got into an off-topic discussion because he seems like a helpful guy and I asked something else, sorry guys, my fault (also thanks M8ter and sta-kool)

On-topic: I’m curious about mechanical jelqing too, but I also believe a good lube/oil and your hands are the best you can do for jelqing, unless there was some fully-auto jelq machine that you can use while you read or watch something haha!

Start: NBPEL 12.8cm || EG 13.5cm base, 12.5cm mid, 11.4cm below the head || very low EQ

Latest: NBPEL 14.9cm || EG 13.5cm mid || low EQ

Goal: 18cm NBPEL || 18cm EG || maximum EQ

A Canuck gained a crazy amount of girth with dry jelqs only; he had even posted pics, but I can’t remember his name right now.

Originally Posted by Tormeister
M8ter got into an off-topic discussion because he seems like a helpful guy and I asked something else, sorry guys, my fault (also thanks M8ter and sta-kool)

On-topic: I’m curious about mechanical jelqing too, but I also believe a good lube/oil and your hands are the best you can do for jelqing, unless there was some fully-auto jelq machine that you can use while you read or watch something haha!

Thanks man. I get ahead of myself sometimes. I’m an inventor and test engineer by trade and had designed an auto jelqer, but abandoned it after considering the liability of my device castrating someone.ouch. With the technology these days, it would probably be much safer. Yes.! I’m trying to remember his name too. He was massively thick just from dry jelqs.

Howdy.! Work smarter, not harder and learn from others mistakes. Photo verified start at 8" bpfs x 6.25" base. Currently 8.6.25 bpfs" x 6.375" msg. New goal 9" bpel x 7" msg.


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