Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging doesn't work.

Hanging doesn't work.

This is from….

"Hanging weights from the penis has been a practice in place for an estimated 2,000 years. Evidence of this practice continues in certain African tribes. It has even been suggested that the pharaohs of ancient Egypt practiced this method of penis enlargement. However, this doesn’t work because it’s been shown that even though the length of the penis may increase over a long period of time, its thickness is actually decreased. Depending upon the hanging device, blood circulation also decreases, which can, in turn, cause necrosis (death) of the tissue."

http://www.askm … ve_answers.html

Stats: 5/9/05 BPL:7.1x5.8

Ultimate Goal: 8.5x6.5 (ideal)

He says that because at the end of the article, he pimps his own “methods” for penis enlargement. Anyone have any idea what his “techniques” are? I personally do not think that hanging is the best way, but I’m not deluded into thinking that lig stretching jelqing isn’t going to result in a deformation of the penis. Tissue can be molded. PE is simply a way to mold your penis, and I think a great deal of approaches that stress the tissue are going to work.

$5 says his little program uses tissue stressing.

>>it’s been shown that even though the length of the penis may increase over a long period of time, its thickness is actually decreased.<<

LOL. No wonder he uses the evasive passive voice here — I can’t imagine who he thinks has “shown” this, as it seems that every guy who hangs notices *increases* in girth, if any change at all. I have gained some base girth from it, I believe.

>>Depending upon the hanging device, blood circulation also decreases, which can, in turn, cause necrosis (death) of the tissue<<

Now THIS is true and one reason I fear the prospect of PE becoming more common knowledge. A number of guys have posted here who were hanging in an extremely unsafe fashion before describing their technique and asking for advice. DO NOT HANG until you have read lots about it and are confident you understand everything fully. We’re here to help.

I think he was trying sell manual exercises (jelq type) on askmen.

I picked up over an inch in length and a half inch in girth virtually by hanging alone. I’m not trying to sell you anything, either.

Starting: 6.5 X 5 EBP 4 X 4.1 Flaccid .........................Break: 7.563 X 5.5 EBP 5.25 X 4.375 Flaccid

Restart: 7.12 X 5.12 EBP 4.5 X 4.5 Flaccid

Goal: Somewhere between "Oh my God!!" and the end of blowjobs.

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