Hanging, tunica tears, and easy girth gains
I’ve been hanging since January. I average 3 sets a day and focus primarily on SD and BTC positions. Since starting I had stopped most girth work to focus on length. I’ve had good results with my hanger and have certainly made some length gains. However, out of boredom of the monotony of hanging everyday I decided to do some girth work. After about 4 days of girth work and hanging for the past few months I have added another 1/4” to girth in a fewdays!
I’m thinking that hanging and tears along the tunica from hanging have left void spaces to be filled and after a couple good workouts the new blood vessels, blood supply, and cells have now populated those areas. I’ve heard others say they gained girth while hanging, but this was unexpected.
After reading Big Girthas routine it seems this may be one of the reasons he gained such a large amount of girth. (Over 2”) he hung and performed girth work everyday he PE’ed.
September 1, 2016 - BPEL: 6.675in MSEG 4.75in EL: 5.5in FG 3.75in FL 3.5in
November 28, 2023 - BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 5.75 EL: 8.5in FG 5.0in FL 5.25in
PE Goal - (set 9-1-2016) BPEL: 8.5in MSEG 6.5in EL: 8.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in | NEW PE Goal - (set 11-28-23) BPEL 9.25in MSEG 6.5in EL 9.0in FG 5.5in FL 6in