Hard Flaccid Help

Hello everyone, I want to tell you something that has been bothering me a little. After finishing my physical education routine, my penis shrank and became harder almost instantly, this happened about 3 weeks ago. My routine consisted of 3 sets of basic stretches in all directions and 15 minutes of jelq.

My symptoms are: tingling in the penis, tingling at the base of the penis, tingling and a little stabbing pain in the perineum area, vibrations between the perineum and the testicles and involuntary contractions of the PC muscle, I feel that sometimes my anus contracts Only and automatically my testicles rise.

I have no problems getting an erection, although my nocturnal erections are softer than before, I also notice that when I urinate or defecate my penis relaxes and returns to its normal state.

Does anyone know how to cure this?

Excuse my English, I’m using a translator. Thank you