Hello Brothers Do you want to know how much is 10 inches?
Hello brothers,
Iam italian and not so good at english, I am sorry for that.
2 year s I am following this site but I joined 1 month ago. I remembe when marinera and others user were amused and discuss about the measures of many pornoactors or boys with huge dick in pornsite. Wanted to understand how much the pornact and boys misure.
But In some things I was in very disagreement.
For example: mandingo.
Had come to the conclusion that he measured 9.5 inches NBP. 10 inches BP. But I am pretty sure is no t true. Why? Because I see videos of mandingo! I am 6 feet. Mandingo is 5.6 feet. My forearm is 10 inches. Mandingo forearm ?less. But even if it was the same, do you see the difference between his arm and his penis?
And if you bring me the photos with the dolls.. Nothing! There are photoshopped!
Looking in googl for days I found real 10 inches and some one more, and now I have a lot of demonstrations. 10 inches is a infinity. Is like a forearm. Is very different than mandingo’s dick .Whatever if you want see photos and talking about, I am here.