Originally Posted by androNYC
Cock ring only- or cock & ball ring?
As I thought more about your question I can see an advantage to using certain types of cock/ball ring combos for this. If it is the type that is made to hold the cock ring on the base of your shaft while stroking then it would be ok, however, it would be more work putting it on and off during the different exercises as I don’t use it for every one in my routine.
I do find that my silicone cock ring, and this is the type I like to use during exercises, tends to want to work it’s way up my shaft as I stroke. So I need to maintain it’s position using two of my finger tips.
Heppi, another comment on the girth exercise I told you about is how I use my fingers in the stroke. I apply a downward pressure to the middle of my shaft, that is side to side middle, with the first joint of my thumb and use the two fingers underneath to cradle the shaft as it is pushed down and I stroke out to the head. Make sure you maintain an even pressure for the whole stroke.
I can apply a good bit of pressure with this as long as I am lubed up good and I usually add more lube 2 or 3 times during this exercise.
I also stroke my shaft in a downward direction, towards my feet, when I do this. As I am doing this exercise I can feel the blood being pushed out towards the sides of my shaft especially when you stroke slow.
There is also another girth exercise that I have used and still do from time to time. The problem with this one, for me, is that it needs to be done with a full erection on and the harder the better. I tend to have a problem getting a hard erections on when I want to, however, I don’t do this exercise with the others so I can do it whenever I get a hard on as long as I am by myself.
Bring yourself to a full erection, rock hard works best. Then put your cock ring on, you can see I like using these things. The cock ring will help keep the blood in the shaft. I have also done this exercise using the ok grip with one hand. Then taking one hand again put your thumb on top with the other two fingers underneath.
You don’t need any lube for this exercise. Place your fingers near the base of your shaft and squeeze your shaft as hard as you can without causing pain. Hold this squeeze for about 5 seconds and release. Move your fingers up to the middle of your shaft and squeeze again and hold. After releasing move your fingers to right below your head and do the process again. Last, put your fingers on the wide area of your head, near the gland and squeeze as before. Once you have completed this go back to the base of your shaft and start all over again.
I do this until I loose my erection. I then take the cock ring off and work myself up to a full erection again and start all over. I do this for about 5 minutes. I tend to find that the longer I do this, at one time, the harder it is for me to get my erection back.
While doing this exercise I can see my whole cock including the head just expand as I squeeze.
Good luck and let me know what you think or if you have any questions. I would love to help.