Thunder's Place

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Hello everyone, Girth instructions

Hello everyone, Girth instructions

Hello everyone from Arctic Finland =D,

After three years brake I found myself here again. I did some PE years ago, and even without proper consistency I was able to make some progress (0.59” length). Then I got bit carried away with the training and got injured (in retrospect: prolly got some bursted blood vessels, nothing to really worry about). Consequently, I stopped immediately. Anyways, I’m 6.5” (length) and girth is unknown (all the progress has remained). The truth is that I’m more than pleased for the lenght (and also bcos the progress came to halt lenghtwise), but I would really want to make some progress in girth.

I’ve tried to search for proper instructions in the forum for girth, and actually found some as well. Now, I would be more than happy if some could post users experiences for girth training.

I usually crap the bottom of my shaft (80-90% erected) with tight OK-grip, and then slide my other hand downwards from the top (with not much pressure). The problem with this is that, it’s hard to do with 60-80% erection, like “normal” jelq. Hence, I’m very afraid to apply too much pressure. Any instructions/advise?

I’ve gained some girth from normal jelqing, but only in the very top part of my shaft. I would love to have a thick dick all the way down.

PS. Hopefully my English is understandable, it’s freaking hard to explain these things in English =D

Greetings and welcome Heppionkeppi, for what it is worth here is the exercise I am using at the time for girth and it seems to be helping me. First I put a cock ring on my shaft, however, you could also grip the base of your shaft with you free hand with the OK grip. You want to do this with a 60-80% erection so this should work well for you. I then take my one hand and place my thumb on top of the shaft and put my index and middle fingers under the shaft at the base. You need to do this with some kind of lube or you will get sore. You then squeeze the shaft with your three fingers and slowly move your hand up to your head but don’t go over your head. Move your hand back down to the base and start again. Take 2 or 3 seconds per stroke. If you start to make yourself sore you either need to add more lube or you have to loosen you grip a little. For me this requires a good bit of lube and I have no problems with getting sore. I stroke with my right hand 25 times then with the left hand 25 times. I do 8 sets like this for a total of 100 strokes per hand. However, if you are using your one hand to grip the base of your shaft you would have to do all the strokes with the one hand only. You don’t want to let go of the base of your shaft during this exercise as you are trying to push the blood in your semi erect dick out to the sides of your shaft, this helps to give you more girth. If you let go during the exercise you loose that trapped blood and your progress will be decreased. That is one reason why I like to use a cock ring for this exercise, then I don’t have to worry about loosing my grip on the base of my shaft. Again, if you don’t use enough lube or you squeeze too hard while stroking your shaft you will get sore so take it slow and see what you think. Again, this is only what I am doing right now and I am sure that there are many more men here that can give you other advise that would work just as well if not even better. One thing I am learning is that what works best for one man may not be what works best for the next man. Good luck and let me know how this exercise works for you if you should try it.


[Note- I’m not a mod and not speaking for official TP policy- just as someone who loses track reading block paragraphs on computer screens]

At 53 can you read that block paragraph you posted?

Give a guy a break— parse your thoughts please into bitable lines. I’m interested in reading what you have to offer but I’m fucked if I can.


[And yes T- I appreciate the irony — but note that I don’t small font shit anymore ;) ]

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Originally Posted by SirD
Greetings and welcome Heppionkeppi, for what it is worth here is the exercise I am using at the time for girth and it seems to be helping me.

First I put a cock ring on my shaft, however, you could also grip the base of your shaft with you free hand with the OK grip. You want to do this with a 60-80% erection so this should work well for you.

I then take my one hand and place my thumb on top of the shaft and put my index and middle fingers under the shaft at the base. You need to do this with some kind of lube or you will get sore.

You then squeeze the shaft with your three fingers and slowly move your hand up to your head but don’t go over your head. Move your hand back down to the base and start again. Take 2 or 3 seconds per stroke. If you start to make yourself sore you either need to add more lube or you have to loosen you grip a little. For me this requires a good bit of lube and I have no problems with getting sore.

I stroke with my right hand 25 times then with the left hand 25 times. I do 8 sets like this for a total of 100 strokes per hand. However, if you are using your one hand to grip the base of your shaft you would have to do all the strokes with the one hand only. You don’t want to let go of the base of your shaft during this exercise as you are trying to push the blood in your semi erect dick out to the sides of your shaft, this helps to give you more girth. If you let go during the exercise you loose that trapped blood and your progress will be decreased.

That is one reason why I like to use a cock ring for this exercise, then I don’t have to worry about loosing my grip on the base of my shaft. Again, if you don’t use enough lube or you squeeze too hard while stroking your shaft you will get sore so take it slow and see what you think. Again, this is only what I am doing right now and I am sure that there are many more men here that can give you other advise that would work just as well if not even better.

One thing I am learning is that what works best for one man may not be what works best for the next man. Good luck and let me know how this exercise works for you if you should try it.

I second AndroNYC. This post needs some paragraph breaks. I added them into the quoted post so you can see how much more readable it is.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Cheer buddy,

This seems more reasonable than some other ones, where a PUNCH of pressure is required to obtain progress. I don’t want to pop my blood vessels again. It scared the sh*t out of me! =D. I reckon I do need a cock-ring bcos my main problem with doing the “reversed milking” is that I do loose the pressure after 8-12 strokes. Al tho, I do re-gather if rapidly (in 1-2 sec). I have to try that one out

First I need to get the cock-ring first, I wonder why I’ve never even though of using that. Well we are here to learn, aren’t we? :D
You mentioned that you had some luck with that technique, may I ask some more detailed information? :)

AndroNYC & Lampwick, thanks for the reminder, I knew this but was not thinking.

Heppionkeppi, ask away, that is what we are here for. I will try to help you all I can.

Cock ring only- or cock & ball ring?

I’ve found that wearing a C&B strap on a regular basis goes a long way to presenting a fuller plumpier flaccid package and maintaining a low sack attitude.

And it also creates a constant sense of awareness of your package.

Which I find a good thing.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Cock ring only.

What I am trying to focus on is getting the blood out to the sides of the penis during this exercise.

I use the cock ring because of the grip issue I talked about before also with a cock ring on the pressure remains constant during the whole exercise, unless it breaks during the exercise which that has happened once or twice.

Also, another benefit of using the cock ring instead of your one hand is that you can work more of your shaft, you can get closer to the base to start your strokes.

Originally Posted by androNYC
Cock ring only- or cock & ball ring?

As I thought more about your question I can see an advantage to using certain types of cock/ball ring combos for this. If it is the type that is made to hold the cock ring on the base of your shaft while stroking then it would be ok, however, it would be more work putting it on and off during the different exercises as I don’t use it for every one in my routine.

I do find that my silicone cock ring, and this is the type I like to use during exercises, tends to want to work it’s way up my shaft as I stroke. So I need to maintain it’s position using two of my finger tips.

Heppi, another comment on the girth exercise I told you about is how I use my fingers in the stroke. I apply a downward pressure to the middle of my shaft, that is side to side middle, with the first joint of my thumb and use the two fingers underneath to cradle the shaft as it is pushed down and I stroke out to the head. Make sure you maintain an even pressure for the whole stroke.

I can apply a good bit of pressure with this as long as I am lubed up good and I usually add more lube 2 or 3 times during this exercise.

I also stroke my shaft in a downward direction, towards my feet, when I do this. As I am doing this exercise I can feel the blood being pushed out towards the sides of my shaft especially when you stroke slow.

There is also another girth exercise that I have used and still do from time to time. The problem with this one, for me, is that it needs to be done with a full erection on and the harder the better. I tend to have a problem getting a hard erections on when I want to, however, I don’t do this exercise with the others so I can do it whenever I get a hard on as long as I am by myself.

Bring yourself to a full erection, rock hard works best. Then put your cock ring on, you can see I like using these things. The cock ring will help keep the blood in the shaft. I have also done this exercise using the ok grip with one hand. Then taking one hand again put your thumb on top with the other two fingers underneath.

You don’t need any lube for this exercise. Place your fingers near the base of your shaft and squeeze your shaft as hard as you can without causing pain. Hold this squeeze for about 5 seconds and release. Move your fingers up to the middle of your shaft and squeeze again and hold. After releasing move your fingers to right below your head and do the process again. Last, put your fingers on the wide area of your head, near the gland and squeeze as before. Once you have completed this go back to the base of your shaft and start all over again.

I do this until I loose my erection. I then take the cock ring off and work myself up to a full erection again and start all over. I do this for about 5 minutes. I tend to find that the longer I do this, at one time, the harder it is for me to get my erection back.

While doing this exercise I can see my whole cock including the head just expand as I squeeze.

Good luck and let me know what you think or if you have any questions. I would love to help.

Holy f*¤#ing s*¤t! I’ve done training about 2-3 weeks now, and girth training for just under two weeks. I took the measurement today earlier. I’ve noticed that I had increase 0.5” for girth and 1/6” for length. I’m sure this has to be mostly due heavy training of Kegelin (I’ve trained almost everyday, almost anywhere).

I thought I havent gained anything, but the tape measure told another story. I going to keep on with SirD¨s training method and reverse jelqing. Dudes, now I’m 100% sure that this is effective, if done correctly. I did very throughout warm up with hot towel, maybe 10min and under hot water btw the 3-4 sets. Total time used for single training was about 1h. Afterwards I took very warm shower and kept hot towel for at least 15mins to enable better recovery. WUHUU! :)

Just a single half an inch but it sure makes the different :)

SirD, Question.

If I understand correctly, for this jelq, you are only squeezing the top and bottom. Same as a normal jelq going upwards?

Could this be done the opposite way once one has increased girth on the side? Or no?
So…squeezing both the sides leaving the top and bottom free.

START NBPEL: 6.5", BPEL: 7", EG: 5.4"

NOW NBPEL: 7.25", BPEL: 8.25", EG: 5.9"

NEW GOAL NBPEL: 7.5", BPEL: 8.5", EG: 6.25"

Originally Posted by jmunz
SirD, Question.

If I understand correctly, for this jelq, you are only squeezing the top and bottom. Same as a normal jelq going upwards?

Could this be done the opposite way once one has increased girth on the side? Or no?
So…squeezing both the sides leaving the top and bottom free.

No, with the normal jelq you are using the ok grip or the overhand ok grip. With this grip you are using two finger to form a circle around the shaft of your cock and you squeeze, with equal pressure the whole way around the shaft, as you slide you hand(s) slowly towards the head.

With what I do you are using three fingers: thumb, fore finger and the middle finger. You place the first joint of your thumb, nearest your finger nail, on the center of your shaft, where the dorsal vein runs the length of your shaft. This blood vein is what you are trying to work here. The other two fingers are underneath your shaft craddling the shaft and also applying pressure.

Squeeze down with the thumb joint onto the dorsal vein and at the same time push up with the two lower fingers. You are not making a circle around your shaft with this, instead you are squeezing your shaft between two flat surfaces. The thumb on top and the two fingers underneath. This keeps both sides of your shaft free and open to push out as the blood enters the dorsal arteries and the corpora cavernosa.

As you slowly slide your hand towards the head the pressure from your thumb will help to push the blood out of the dorsal vein and into the dorsal arteries which fill the two corpora cavernosa with blood. These are the two masses, one on the left and one on the right of your shaft, that fill with blood during an erection and cause you to have a hard-on. The idea behind this exercise is to help your two corpora cavernosa be able to hold more blood during an erection and thus a fatter dick or a dick with a greater girth.

With the above mentioned purpose I do not see the advantage of squeezing on the sides and leaving the top and bottom open. I may be off on this and there are certainly men in TP that have a much better understanding of what happens as you put pressure on different areas of you cock but if that would be a positive thing one of them would have to be the one to explain the advantages to such an exercise. Hope this helps and if any man has some thoughts on this please chim in as I need lots of help as well.

Let me know how you make out with this.
Best to Ya!

Originally Posted by SirD
With the above mentioned purpose I do not see the advantage of squeezing on the sides and leaving the top and bottom open. I may be off on this and there are certainly men in TP that have a much better understanding of what happens as you put pressure on different areas of you cock but if that would be a positive thing one of them would have to be the one to explain the advantages to such an exercise. Hope this helps and if any man has some thoughts on this please chim in as I need lots of help as well.

Best to Ya!

Squeezing on the sides avoids the dorsal nerve: http://en.wikip … ve_of_the_penis .

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

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