Originally Posted by The Wizard
Well mate if your looking to improve yourself you have come to the right place. Most of the guys/gals here are very helpful and knowledgeable. Your starting size doesn’t matter as long as your consistent with your exercises you will definitely see results. I noticed in another thread you are looking to loose some weight. This will obviously decrease your fat pad and you will pick up size there also while getting healthier. All the best to you.
I’m pretty hopeful that losing weight is going to fix everything ATM, kinda putting all my eggs into that basket right now. Although I haven’t started doing any PE yet I’m hoping to get a routine started asap, need to watch the tutorial videos and see whats what :)
I have no idea how big my fat pad is but I recon it will make a big difference over time, depending on how hard I push it back I recon it could easily be 1-1.5 inches maybe.