Help For the little guy :
Very recently discovered this place, have been struggling quite a lot recently with size issues on top of a whole other range of things going on, and I’m just getting more and more depressed and quite frankly just wanna give up :(
Haven’t seen many guys posting who are around my size ( ill need to get a measurement later, but small. Like 2-2 1/2” flaccid and 3 3/4- 4 Length erect and pretty much no girth). It appears that there are only really “Big boys” playing in this backyard, then again I haven’t looked around everywhere yet.
I was just hoping to find some guys in a similar position as to me, and see what they have/are doing to cope with it? And which techniques for PE will work best for someone of my size. I’m currently 20 years old, still a virgin and have some real confidence issues, pretty overweight ( Maybe at 260lbs atm) but I have heard that losing weight can sometimes make your manhood look bigger? Although I’ve not seen any actually evidence for this (please refer me to some if you have)
As well as this, I’m also being told I might have to be circumcised which I think is just going to make the whole issue worse! (Tight foreskin so it doesn’t go back over the head at all)
I’m going to see my doc ASAP about options .. Including enlargement surgery options because this is just driving me insane.
Sorry for the long message and slightly depressing tone .. Just needed to get it off my chest :) any help/advice/routines which people have found useful from a similar position would be great.