I of course have penisorexia. I was a far cry from where you are at when I started PE and have gained somewhere between .5” and .75” but it didn’t look any bigger to me and still doesn’t even though the ruler says different (yeah .5-.75 is not a lot but should be visible especially since I was small to begin) so I wonder if I hit my goal I’ll look down and still see my little penis? I have a ways to go before I have to worry about this but I also wonder if this makes it so that people keep increasing so that they size themselves out of the market (no oral, no anal, only very slow sex, too big to go all the way in) For me my goal is to be bigger but not so big that I can’t have sex with wild abandon, no use having a huge penis if you can’t sink it in all the way?
In regards to your size yeah I said it was probably at least 7” bpel but even without that .5 extra check out the link I put in above- it should be at least a nice little ego boost. I would advise using Bone pressed at least to see your results- I think it’s easier to have a consistent measurement that way otherwise you might accidentally measure a little higher or lower and see false gains or even worse shrinkage!
A lot of guys say that jelqing has made their penis more veiny looking, I haven’t jelqed in months as it always seems to aggravate my wrists. having used ribbed/studded condoms in the past I think being veiny could have a similar for the ladies… and that is a good thing.
My story is I was/sorta still am a small guy who had problems with the other PE (premature ejaculation) but had given up hope on Penis enlargement after wasting money on various contraptions that overpromised and under delivered. So I was online searching for info on the other PE and came across thunders. It’s been almost a year and I have jumped around a lot finding a program that is right for me- Jelqing hurt the wrists, my homemade hangers sucked, got donuts from pumping, etc, etc.Even with that I have seen some gains. I have finally found what seems like a good routine (hang, ads, clamping) that I will stick with for the rest of the year and then measure.
It is a little weird talking about Significant others here but can also be a great place to get great feedback- especially on subjects you don’t want to talk about with your friends or SO about. Based on what you said about her I think you should be more concerned about being too big the first few times, but maybe she was just born bigger down there… like my girlfriend :(
I’d say stick with your routine and don’t try to go up to fast You never know if you will be a slow or fast gainer so if you get discouraged just keep at it and make sure you post- This is a great place to get encouragement regarding PE. It’s also a great place for sex advice or whatever.
Good luck man and feel free to pick my/all of our brains. The more people we have contributing the better this forum becomes.
old people talking about sex is surreal? have you ever seen the Sunday night sex show? it’s this old lady dishing out advice on sex, Its funny to watch. I’m guessing that lady wasn’t sitting next to her husband in the clip was she?
PS- sorry for the novel I don’t think I’ve ever had a post this long.