Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hey all, opinions on my routine? Thanks.

Hey all, opinions on my routine? Thanks.

Hi, I just started for the most part, was into this a few years a go as a teen (fast forward to porn addiction :-p). Now with an impending marriage and first time sex with a vagina (have had oral and hand only, my own choice, lame I know :D ) I dont want to dissappoint. Here is my routine:

every MWF
-left x 10s x 10
-right x 10s x 10
-counter clockwise circles x 10
-clockwise circles x 10
-grab dick and pull toward ass, alternating hands x 20s x 8

-pump 2 min
oiled jelq x 20
-pump 1 min
oiled jelq x 10
-pump 1 min
oiled jelq x 10
more erect jelq x 10
-down stretch
pump 1 min

Any feedback from veterans is really welcome, and if this is the wrong forum to post this, sorry. Thanks! - peej

nov 10 2004 length: 6.5-6.75 nbp girth: 6 (at middle) goal length: 8 nbp girth: 7 (at middle)

What is pump 1 minute? Is that vacuum pump, because if so, 1 minute will get you no where. Start reading the pumpers forum. Does your pump have a gauge? If so we can give you some guidelines for a better routine. Plus, just MWF? Not enough.

Last edited by gprent101 : 11-18-2004 at .


Thanks for the reply. I have read a lot and I think my head will explode. How many days on and off do you do? 5 days a week, 6? I’m leary of overtraining. (ex-college athlete, various physical training minutiae addle my brain) I have read that pumping doesn’t give concrete gains outside of vacuum, and have also read that it can be useful to get fresh blood back into the ol’ dick as a supplement to jelq and such. I don’t care about gains that would just exist in vacuum; I am insecure and don’t want the girlfriend to seek sex elsewhere because of my size during _sex_, not pumping :-p. Also, my pump does have a gauge, I made it myself when I was bored. I used to work as machinist, it is a masterpiece (old glass bottle, gasket, tc, vac-pump, and all that)… Thanks again - peej

nov 10 2004 length: 6.5-6.75 nbp girth: 6 (at middle) goal length: 8 nbp girth: 7 (at middle)

Well I used a vacuum pump for years and it didn’t increased my size very much at all. Dry jelqing is the way to go as far as I’m concerned. If you are new I do recommend the newbie routines. You really have to start with wet jelqing to get a feel for whats going on before advancing to dry jelqing.

Dry jelq and erect squeezes. 75% erect squeezes with hard kegels is better than a vacuum pump. Pumps up the unit and it stays pumped unlike the vacuum pump that goes away immediately. I do my erect squeezes with the OK grip at the base an push up toward the gland. Then with the other hand I squeeze the gland.(head)

As far as rest days I play it by ear. I usually go 3 days on one off. AM and PM workouts at low erection levels.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Actually I do PE 7 days a week right now, but it is on the moderate side of things. I would say that yes, you are over training right now and under training at the same time. Don’t treat your cock like muscle because it is not. You are trying to change it’s size memory, and to do that, you are better off with moderate exercise several days in a row. Training every other day is too much down time and lets your size recover back to what it is used to. You want to build on the previous days result.

For now, try for 6 on and 1 off, or 3 on 1 off, 2 on 1 off as a 7 day routine. Cut back your jelq time to just 15 minutes for now as you get used to a more daily type routine. In a couple of weeks, you can start revising things. Stop the pump for now, because you have good girth and just jelqing along with your manual stretches will focus more on length.


Do you have penis anorexia?

assuming you have a very small fat pad you have at least a 7” BPEL x 6” eg! I can understand wanting more but doubt you have anything to worry about pleasing the wife.

Is your wife a virgin too? if so I’d be more concerned about maybe being too big for her to enjoy it the first few times.

congrats on the marriage and major kudos for saving the full deal for marriage.

You better hope she isn’t a virgin, or your not getting that thing in the first few times.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Hey, wow, talk about instant gratification. It’s good to hear from people, I don’t talk to anyone in person about this thing so it’s nice to hear some feedback so soon. Yes, my wife to be is as I am a “technical virgin” (or she sure as hell better be :) !!!!)

deadeye - You do pe twice a day you are saying? And yes I know the first couple of times having sex are a little harsh on the vag, but I am a gentle/unselfish dude and we will see; plus I am considering after those first few also. Thanks for the advice about your routine. And I don’t know, I kind of dig the pump between jelqs, it makes blood get back in the poor abused guy. You ever tried it? I like sort of low vac for this.

stubby - First off, thanks for the kind words. So…penis anorexia…the fear of eating penis? I think I have that. If you mean am I insecure…that would be a resounding “DUH.” :-p Anyways, being insecure I looked around the internet for average penis size, 6.5-6.75 (depending on my mood/horniness) isn’t exactly big. (I don’t know what to think of bonepressed because it seems prone to me putting down fake numbers if I press hard and squeeze the pc) Also, come on man, haven’t you ever seen a porno? biggest fear: woman I love running off with one of those guys for their huge dongs…irrational? That’s me!

gprent - Ah, ok. I will try that, I guess me penis is an organ not a muscle…I think 5 or 6 on I will try. It seems like I have bigger girth than average but It doesn’t look very girthy to me, also the head is only like 5.5 (I am guessing, didn’t measure, and too tired to fire the little guy up right now). I have read that the most pleasure for a woman as far as the vagina goes is from a feeling of fullness, i.e. a wide dick. But I have read wider dicks are harder to lengthen, sigh.

Ok, thanks again guys- peej

nov 10 2004 length: 6.5-6.75 nbp girth: 6 (at middle) goal length: 8 nbp girth: 7 (at middle)

Yeah Pj I do it twice a day. And it’s based on what gprent stated. I also jelq and do squeezes at relatively low erection levels. This helps keep pressure off my veins, which can get sore and worn out for days.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

hey PJ-

nice- no I meant "penis anorexia" more along the lines of no matter how big it gets it’ll still look "small" to you. I think this is a real problem that a lot of us may have. I know that if it wasn’t for the ruler I wouldn’t even believe I’d gained a centimeter.

As far as have I seen porn- this is the Internet right? Most people in Porn do have pretty big dicks but porn stars account for a very small percentage of society and they are generally hired for their size. Do you compare your driving skills to Mario Andretti? your height to basketball players? your speed to track stars? There will always be someone better at specific things than you. But I do like that you admit to being irrational.

I’m guessing that your fiancee did not agree to marry you based on the size of your dick.

As far the surveys you are looking at are any of those on sites dedicated to selling PE related merchandise? if so what better way is there to sell your wares than to convince someone they need them? check out this link from Dafrancas latest thread which compares your size to three different surveys- two of which were online! http://www.geoc … comparator.html You’ll see you measure up just fine on length and more than just fine for girth.

one final thought- based on what you said about your wife being a "technical virgin" I’m guessing the biggest thing that has been in her is a couple of your fingers. Next time you get an erection compare it to two fingers and tell me it is not massive by comparison!

Welcome to Thunders!!

7x6 and you have anxiety. I hope the first thing you learn here is you have no reason to be worried about your penis size. About 75% of all men are smaller than you, and many here are trying to get your size. With that said, Happy gaining and good luck with the bride to be :)

Originally Posted by stubby
hey PJ-

nice- no I meant "penis anorexia" more along the lines of no matter how big it gets it’ll still look "small" to you. I think this is a real problem that a lot of us may have. I know that if it wasn’t for the ruler I wouldn’t even believe I’d gained a centimeter.

As far as have I seen porn- this is the Internet right? Most people in Porn do have pretty big dicks but porn stars account for a very small percentage of society and they are generally hired for their size. Do you compare your driving skills to Mario Andretti? your height to basketball players? your speed to track stars? There will always be someone better at specific things than you. But I do like that you admit to being irrational.

I’m guessing that your fiancee did not agree to marry you based on the size of your dick.

As far the surveys you are looking at are any of those on sites dedicated to selling PE related merchandise? if so what better way is there to sell your wares than to convince someone they need them? check out this link from Dafrancas latest thread which compares your size to three different surveys- two of which were online! http://www.geoc … comparator.html You’ll see you measure up just fine on length and more than just fine for girth.

one final thought- based on what you said about your wife being a "technical virgin" I’m guessing the biggest thing that has been in her is a couple of your fingers. Next time you get an erection compare it to two fingers and tell me it is not massive by comparison!

Hey stubs:

I appreciate your message/insight. I guess I have "penisorexia" to a degree, you? I did laugh when you asked if i compare myself to basketball players and sprinters because I used to be one in college(a short one at 6’1”, and not to play the race card but the only white guy on the team ) and a lazy sprinter in high school. And it’s funny, I never really was self conscious (sp? ug tired) until recently. Especially reading these forums and how big all the guys are and how they are really sexually experienced and women love more more more size no matter what they say. Also, more on topic to what you said, it seems those surveys don’t use bone pressed measurements. So I am no 7 (maybe it wasn’t you who said this). Anyway, thanks for posting. I think I’ll seriously measure every month to keep track. What’s your story/ any other thoughts? How goes your quest? Oh, and also, my whole body is veiny (including my member), have you found that jelqing makes this worse? It may be in my head, but It seems like it is a little more vascular even after only one week; little guy is veinier on one side than the other too, maybe this will help that. This is a worry, but I dont mind a few extra veins if this actually lengthens/girthens :) . - peej

ps - yes, I feel weird sharing this, but she has never really been penetrated per se even with fingers.
c o
pps - I have also seen this tv special which makes the disctinction between sexual love and romantic love. Both men and women experience this. not necessarily connected. It was on nbc or something and there is this 55 60 year old woman talking about her love of big penises despite her happy marriage, lol, surreal.

nov 10 2004 length: 6.5-6.75 nbp girth: 6 (at middle) goal length: 8 nbp girth: 7 (at middle)


I of course have penisorexia. I was a far cry from where you are at when I started PE and have gained somewhere between .5” and .75” but it didn’t look any bigger to me and still doesn’t even though the ruler says different (yeah .5-.75 is not a lot but should be visible especially since I was small to begin) so I wonder if I hit my goal I’ll look down and still see my little penis? I have a ways to go before I have to worry about this but I also wonder if this makes it so that people keep increasing so that they size themselves out of the market (no oral, no anal, only very slow sex, too big to go all the way in) For me my goal is to be bigger but not so big that I can’t have sex with wild abandon, no use having a huge penis if you can’t sink it in all the way?

In regards to your size yeah I said it was probably at least 7” bpel but even without that .5 extra check out the link I put in above- it should be at least a nice little ego boost. I would advise using Bone pressed at least to see your results- I think it’s easier to have a consistent measurement that way otherwise you might accidentally measure a little higher or lower and see false gains or even worse shrinkage!

A lot of guys say that jelqing has made their penis more veiny looking, I haven’t jelqed in months as it always seems to aggravate my wrists. having used ribbed/studded condoms in the past I think being veiny could have a similar for the ladies… and that is a good thing.

My story is I was/sorta still am a small guy who had problems with the other PE (premature ejaculation) but had given up hope on Penis enlargement after wasting money on various contraptions that overpromised and under delivered. So I was online searching for info on the other PE and came across thunders. It’s been almost a year and I have jumped around a lot finding a program that is right for me- Jelqing hurt the wrists, my homemade hangers sucked, got donuts from pumping, etc, etc.Even with that I have seen some gains. I have finally found what seems like a good routine (hang, ads, clamping) that I will stick with for the rest of the year and then measure.

It is a little weird talking about Significant others here but can also be a great place to get great feedback- especially on subjects you don’t want to talk about with your friends or SO about. Based on what you said about her I think you should be more concerned about being too big the first few times, but maybe she was just born bigger down there… like my girlfriend :(

I’d say stick with your routine and don’t try to go up to fast You never know if you will be a slow or fast gainer so if you get discouraged just keep at it and make sure you post- This is a great place to get encouragement regarding PE. It’s also a great place for sex advice or whatever.

Good luck man and feel free to pick my/all of our brains. The more people we have contributing the better this forum becomes.

old people talking about sex is surreal? have you ever seen the Sunday night sex show? it’s this old lady dishing out advice on sex, Its funny to watch. I’m guessing that lady wasn’t sitting next to her husband in the clip was she?


PS- sorry for the novel I don’t think I’ve ever had a post this long.

Thanks man, good luck to you. I won’t have time to post often (I will try to be on weekly), my research takes up most of my time. I had to PE while doing some work at home the other day to save some time, kinda a hilarious moment. Anyway, if you ever want to talk to someone about issues regarding PE, I am willing to listen. I’ll see you around. - peej

ps - I’m not worried about getting too big at the moment, if for some bizarre reason I notice I start to get too big, I’ll ease off, not really thinking that’s gonna be a problem though.

nov 10 2004 length: 6.5-6.75 nbp girth: 6 (at middle) goal length: 8 nbp girth: 7 (at middle)

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