Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hi all, im new, quick questions!

Hi all, im new, quick questions!

Yes i made sure to read those threads on the main page, and the FAQ questions, but i did not find the answer to the following questions.

I was wondering how exactly are these squeeze techniques performed? Are they as successful as jelqing in terms of length?

Also, what are the risks involved with PE’s? Ive heard that your dick can be come unproportioned with a skinny base and thick head, shaft area. Also….. your dick can lose sensation or alot of other stuff. Is there any way to prevent these from happening? Are they not the normal?

Also would anyone suggest a beginning routine?

As of right now i do warmup with the warm washcloth. Then i stretch left, right, up, down by pulling the head out with decent amount of pressure and holding. I also stretch the skin by making the “ok” with my fingers and then pulling upward above the head to stretch the skin for “future gains”. Then i proceed to jelq, all while throwing in this thing where i squeeze the base, and then squeeze the head and hold, because it forces the actual shaft of the penis to get thicker and i figure that could be what the squeezes are? Do some people just do those? Also, im pretty tall, like 6”4 so having a 5” long dick, and 5” in girth looks small on me. Is 5” in girth skinny? It sure doesnt seem thick to me when i look down at it.

5” in girth is average.

Your routine looks good to me.

Do this routine for a couple of months and evaluate.

Good luck

I don’t think 5” girth is skinny at all. That’s just my opinion. Since you are 5x5, as I think I read that correctly, it might just look “skinny”. Never mind your height.

There are guys aiming for 6” girth, so if you are concerned about girth, additional gain can be made. Just as long as the length is just as proportioned. What are your goals?

Also, be careful with you capitalizations. You missed a few when typing “I”.

Since I don’t PE I can give little advice. I just wanted to say this little bit and welcome you aboard. I am sure more people will gladly help guide you. You’re in good hands.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar


Welcome to Thunders.

Most of, if not all of your questions are answered in the newbie primer, located in the newbie forum. Go read the newbie forum, over and over. I moved it here so that it can be seen by other newbies as well.

Also, read and ask questions about hanging. Squeezes should not be done by newbies. This is stressed over and over.

Good luck to you in your pursuit of a bigger dick.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

one of the questions i found to be more important which wasnt addressed was:

Also, what are the risks involved with PE’s? Ive heard that your dick can be come unproportioned with a skinny base and thick head, shaft area. Also….. your dick can lose sensation or alot of other stuff. Is there any way to prevent these from happening? Are they not the normal?

Does anyone know about this? I honestly just went through alot of the newbie threads and those other links but didnt find alot of the answers i was looking for.


Welcome Python49,

It ‘s good that you ask questions. This way you’ll be careful not to get too zealous as a PE’er, but get the gains that you want without injury.

You had asked:
“Also, what are the risks involved with PE’s? Ive heard that your dick can be come unproportioned with a skinny base and thick head, shaft area. Also….. your dick can lose sensation or alot of other stuff. Is there any way to prevent these from happening? Are they not the normal?”

There are risks to anything worthwhile in life, but if you take the information provided here, heed the advice of the other members and procede responsibly, you’ll be fine but just with a bigger dick. All of your above concerns are extreme examples and not the norm by any means. I’ve been PE’ing for three years, and I have a thick base, lots of sensation in my dick, a normal sized head, etc.

What is normal is the variety of shapes and sizes that all men have, whether they PE or not. You’re tall and you want more proportion to your dick size vs your height. PE can do that for you.

Continue to read the incredible amount of information provided on this free site, implement carefully and wisely and you’ll probably amaze even yourself with how successful all of this can be. Good luck.


Python, the effect you are referring to (thin base, thicker towards the end of the shaft) is called the baseball bat effect, and there are quite a few threads on here about that. Do a search for baseball* and you’ll find some suggestions.

Hope this helps.


Yeah that helped, i just checked the glossary and did some other searches to try to find out the meaning of some of these terms but couldnt find them. When i go to the glossary to find out details on what a horse squeeze is, horse is not listed and under squeeze it says “click herE” for more details and the link doesnt work. So could somebody plz tell me what a horse squeeze is? Is this basically the squeeze which i described i do in my routine?

For the injury part, just take you’re time. You wont reach your goals overnight, I injured myself once going all out for fast big gains. It took me a week to heal, and thats time I could have kept going on a routine but had to take time off.

And ya, you have to watch your spelling, grammar, paragraphs.slang, blah, blah, blah, e.t.c. There are alot of people who will flip out on ya like it kicks in A.D.H.D., and they cant understand you.

So welcome, and good luck!

"Confidence is a hell of a drug!"


Hey Python,

Use the search button in the top right hand corner of every page. Use the term horse and it should bring up a couple of good threads.

Here is the link from the glossary, which seems to be working just fine. If you have something that stops pop up window, the links in the glossary won’t work.

Horse 440 Squeezes

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

all informative information, im really glad i found this forum. I have known about PE for a while now and about a year or two ago i used to do it but gave up. This time i plan to stick with it. I’m not sure though if i do my jelqing hard enough. My pubic hair gets in the way and what i do is after one jelq i follow with the other hand and then push down so that hair doesnt get caught up in my hand, and then i jelq. Also, do you guys jelq it all the way through or stop that jelq once you see the head is engorged. I loosen my grip once i get near the beginning of the head area and then i follow with the next jelq. Also, i do the squeezes…. i was wondering why is it not safe for a newbie to do them, but it is for a veteran to. I dont apply enormous pressure during them, just enough so that i think its stretching.

The reason is this, you need to condition your penis to the exercises before you add new ones. If you aren’t placing a great deal of stress in your squeezes, you might be ok.

I’m hoping one of the vets will step in and explain that one farther.

(And one other thing, please capitalize all I’s, thank you) ;)

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

ok ill make sure to do that from now on if its annoying to you. Is that the reason you are mentioning it or is it some policy? Im kinda new to the board so i wouldnt know.

Originally posted by Python49

ok ill make sure to do that from now on if its annoying to you. Is that the reason you are mentioning it or is it some policy? Im kinda new to the board so i wouldnt know.

Hey Python,

Welcom to the board! And YES, Sunny is saying that because there are guidelines here that should be followed. I am not a mod but I can say that this is a very well run board and the rules are here to keep it a well run board. Check to forum guidlines and most of all have some fun :)

The ravings of a madman...

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