Thunder's Place

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A few quick questions.

A few quick questions.

Ok first I have to say I am having browser problems, and the search box doesn’t appear (along with numerous other problems, I will reinstall Windows soon) as a result of this, I am asking you guys to help me out, it’d be much appreciated.

1.For clamping, could I just use a piece of Velcro to wrap with instead of a cable clamp, and how long should I clamp for?
2.When jelqing, I start at 70-80% erection, but after about 30 seconds, it’s about 40-50%, does this matter?


Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

I don’t know if you could get a piece of Velcro tight enough. If it wasn’t very wide, it might work. I do sets of ten to fifteen minutes. I wouldn’t advise over twenty minutes at a time (possible tissue death), although some guys do clamp longer.

I think most guys experience various levels of erection while jelqing. You should have enough blood in it to “balloon” it in front of your jelqing hand, but not a full erection. I think the 80% figure is an average to shoot for across your session. Most people stop after their erection level falls to re-stimulate themselves before continuing, and some guys have the opposite problem and have to wait for their erection to subside a little before going on. It is worth mentioning that some guys have reported length gains with completely flaccid jelqing, however it seems that the best combination of length and girth gains are made by jelqing with some level of erection.

Last edited by SmilingBob : 03-26-2005 at .

I see you live in England, so rather than use velcro you could just get cable clamps from your local B&Q, they only cost about £4 for a pack of 3

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