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High blood pressure and PE

High blood pressure and PE

I’ve got high blood pressure and I take hydrochlorothiazide, a diuretic, to combat it. It’s gone down, but still a little high. I’ve been doing PE (newbie routine/pumping 101) for about two weeks and I haven’t noticed any bad side effects.

Anyone have any thoughts on PE and high blood pressure?

HCTZ is a mild diuretic — shouldn’t affect your PEing substantially. Nor should hypertension, I reckon.

Boy it’s fun throwing out opinions without any solid backing ;)

If your B/P is still a little high, ask for something in addition to the HCTZ. A good place to start, if it will work for you, is Cozaar, which has few negative sexual side effects. There are a number of others which also don’t cramp erections, so ask about them.

I doubt PE is going to effect your B/P except temporarily, in the sense that PE may turn you on. Turns a lot of us on.

In the past year ideal B/P values have been dropped by the medical community, both on the systolic and the diastolic, lower reads being preferable to what used to be acceptable. Look into that and get yourself a B/P monitor to use at home on a regular basis until you get regular at a good level.



Thanks for the info guys. I think I could get it under control if I could stick to my diet and exercise plan.

I recken I want some of those french fries, those french make good fries.

"Crazy dancin! Making my penis sore!"

- Dave Chapelle

Sling blade? :)

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