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PE with high pressures

PE with Compression

More brainstorming.

This could lead to a new form of PE.

There is a lot for me to learn about the physiology behind PE. All of the following theories is based upon my own weak understanding of the mechanisms behind PE.

I have been thinking today about the collagenous structure of the tunica. I have also been thinking a lot lately on the mechanism of gripping the internal structures with the bib hanger. Well, to make a long story short I have developed a hypothesis that compressing the penis while in the extended state may promote the cross-linking of the collagen at this new length. You see, when we are pulling on our penises we are unkinkiing and lengthening the collagen and we are hoping that the bonds between the collagen fibers weaken and break (I think) causing a permanent plastic deformation. However, what about the fibers that haven’t broke? Well, they return back to their original positions. So, it occurred to me, how can we promote the formation of new cross-links between adjacent collagen fibers? Cross-linking of the collagen in the extended states should remain so even after the tensile forces of PE have been released. Well, when the penis is compressed (similar to the compression underneath the bib hanger) the solid tissues are closer together — the interstitial fluids having been compressed out from between the cells. When the molecules of our tissues are closer together, the probability for cross-links to occur is increased. Thus a compressive force while in the extended state should encourage the formation of new cross-links.

Is the theory valid? I don’t really know.
How much compressive force is required? — I’m guessing a lot.
Is it safe? I have no idea.

Since you would effectively be squeezing out all the interstitial fluids, your cells would essentially be starving during the period of the compression, so you could only sustain the high pressure for short periods at a time.

I may be testing this theory out on an animal model. I will be creating another thread discussing that.

Sorry if this is disorganized, I don’t have time to proof read it right now.


-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...

Last edited by Tube : 02-05-2004 at .
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