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Home made hanger

Home made hanger

This is really simple, I don’t know how it works yet I’m testing it out now as we speak. What I did was take a really thick sock, and got a long piece of yarn, and a 2.5 lb weight. I put my penis inside the sock, tide the yarn around the weight and my penis, in between the shaft and head. I’ve read that cheap hangings like these are usually not safe, but this one has no discomfort, and I can feel the blood circulating through my penis when I kegel too. Do you think it is possible I just stumbled upon the easiest working hanger of all time?

Nope. It’s been tried and it’s about as dangerous as it gets. It’s likely the only reason you still have feeling in your dick is because you only have 2.5 pounds on there. I wouldn’t put 2.5 ounces tied up like that on mine. Heck, why would you put a tourniquet on your dick even without weight?

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