How much natural growth
I am wondering if my natural growth was stunted due to problems with retractible testicles and major stress that was never really was resolved until I reached the age of 22.5. There is no real answer to this now precisely, but I am interested in how much you gained naturally (no PE) during the following years of age.
-What were your NBPEL/BPEL and EG at age 15?
-What were your NBPEL/BPEL and EG at age 18?
-What were you NBPEL/BPEL and EG at age 21?
-Please also include at what age/time you started PE.
My NBP and EG stats at these ages:
I started PE in at age 22 on July 2015 (with breaks) and my current stats are 6.6 NBPEL and 5.5 EG.