How you deal with anxiety low libido and training ?
Just few days ago i was horny like a horse on steroid feeling very relax with my penis ready to explode with amazing feelings during exercises.
But unluckily this condition is not permanent and can change from period to period.
This last days i feel with ZERO libido you know what i mean?
When your balls and penis are not full size when are soft but a little bit shrunk.
I tried to exercise my self but i feel everythink mechanical is completly the opposite of few days ago.I just exercise my self cause i want to continue the routine but if i don’t stimulate my self i lose the erection very fast…
How do you manage this fuckings periods?
Do you quit training untill you don’t feel again horny like an hell or you continue training your self?
I’m worried cause i know very well this black periods can continue for a week or even more and i’m not sure what is better to do in this condition.
I hope to be not the only one with this problem and you can suggest me something.
Thank you in advance.
P.S. Is not absolutly overtraining is just e mixture off stress and really low or none libido