Thunder's Place

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I have a Girth and Length question

I have a Girth and Length question

Which methods are best for length and girth?

Which method is good for length?

Which method is good for girth?

This whole forum answers those very questions. That is why it exists.

Start with the Newbie Routine for three months and do some reading on this site; learn to use the ‘search’ function and all your questions will be answered!

IMO, I learned that for both length and girth jelqing is the best. For length V stretches are great. And for girth jelqing is very effective. These are all manual, I dont know about devices although a lot of members claim clamping for girth and hanging for length.

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Originally Posted by Yenom
Which methods are best for length and girth?
Which method is good for length?
Which method is good for girth?

Only you can answer that question with research and your personal experience.

Some seek girth and find length.

Some seek length and find girth.

Some seek length or girth, and find neither.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

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