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I just experienced ejaculation while performing a reverse kegel.

I just experienced ejaculation while performing a reverse kegel.

I experienced a very weak orgasm but before I ejaculated I was edging and but I wasn’t on the edge, just close. I did a reverse kegel, by trying to urinate or defecate myself, but I still managed to ejaculate without feeling any contractions in my BC (i get this confused with the PC, forgive me if I mention the wrong muscle)

How could this happen when I wasn’t near a great orgasm, or even a good one, did a reverse kegel, and still managed to ejaculate? I’m really damn confused right now.

For me if I reverse kegel when I am getting close to the edge it sometimes even expedites the process of coming, and if I am really close it will sometimes send me over the edge. If I am not near at all, then it slows it down, but I am not sure what happened if you didn’t feel any contractions at all. You sure it wasn’t just a big load of precum?

well, my precum has never shot out before. It usually just kinda squirts out to the top and that’s all there is. I suppose the reverse kegel did send me over the edge. It was just a very weak orgasm, 1 inch ejaculation, and I was just really confused as to why this is to prevent but it still made me ejaculate.

This happened to me the other day. Although cum did come out it’s like my body didn’t feel like it came. I still had a rock hard boner and could keep on edging.

Dec \'23 -> Feb\'24 17.5cm -> 18.5cm BPEL / 12.7cm -> 13.1 MSEG / 18.5cm -> 18.9cm BPFSL (measuring in mm for accuracy)

My First Real Attempt:

2006 Start: 6.25" BPEL and 5" EG - 2012 7.625" BPEL / 4.875" EG / 8.063" BPFSL. (All manual routine)

kingdingaling in your case pre-cum was building up and released.

My guess is that Springer240 had edged to a point where the reverse kegel triggered ejaculation. Did your dick feel tired from the edging, etc.?

Ejaculation is a reflex response.
We have no control over it.

What we have control over is our responses to stimulation leading up to ejaculation. Edging and kegels, etc. can help you maintain control over your body as you lead up to ejaculating without doing so; this way you can have orgasms without losing the precious bodily fluids your body works so hard to make.

Typically our ejaculation is connected to an orgasmic response. It sounds like you ejaculated without orgasm. While it may be unsatisfying in the moment, it is actually a good sign. It will be useful to your separating orgasm from ejaculation. This is key for training the body for male multiple orgasms.

Ultimately what you want is to orgasm without ejaculating. This will give you tremendous pleasure and awe inspiring staying power.

For more on this subject read The Multi-Orgasmic Male by Mantak Chia (it’s in Borders and Barnes & Noble). It’s a good starting point. There is a lot of literature out there for this.

You learn these techniques you will be a sexual superhero.

By the way Springer240, I was the lucky bastard to approve your avatar, and I’d just like to say: I approve. :thumbs:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 10-11-2006 at .

Yeah, I think I have had what you are describing. I sometimes have partial orgasms where I can easy kegel and hold back ejaculation and keep going, although my dick will feel desensitized just like it does after a real ejaculation. Keep working at it, Mr. Happy knows what he is talking about.

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 10-12-2006 at .

I have had that too. You’re about to cum, but you stop the stimulation. Sometimes just a bit of semen flows out, sometimes a whole ton of it. But never with any contractions. The penis stays hard, but you get back to a low level of arousal so you can keep fucking.

Chicks love that, lol.

Yeah I did it just now, right before I was about to come (I’d say 1/2 way into the PONR) I did a strong reverse kegel. It stopped both orgasm and ejaculation, although a little fluid came out (might have just been precum, but it was kind of a lot for how short I was masturbating). My dick went completely back to normal and I had to try extra hard to get off.

I find that I am able to do this but I cant hold it for the duration of my orgasm and thern have to contract my pc muscle as normal…Do I just need more work?

Same here, I tried it for the first time, and when I was like a second away from my orgasm, I did a reverse kegel, but if I touched it while performing the kegel I would have certainly come. Is there anybody out there that can answer the following question? -> If you train enough with reverse kegels, would you be able to hold a reverse kegel from start to end (f.e. While having sex or masturbating)? I mean that, performing a reverse kegel before penetration, and holding it all the time, would that be possible to do? I experienced a lot of big veins in my dick when reverse kegeling. It also made my dick look thicker. So if it would be possible to maintain a reverse kegel all the time, I can only think that it would feel even better for both you and your partner.

Originally Posted by Pepsi
Same here, I tried it for the first time, and when I was like a second away from my orgasm, I did a reverse kegel, but if I touched it while performing the kegel I would have certainly come. Is there anybody out there that can answer the following question? -> If you train enough with reverse kegels, would you be able to hold a reverse kegel from start to end (f.e. While having sex or masturbating)? I mean that, performing a reverse kegel before penetration, and holding it all the time, would that be possible to do? I experienced a lot of big veins in my dick when reverse kegeling. It also made my dick look thicker. So if it would be possible to maintain a reverse kegel all the time, I can only think that it would feel even better for both you and your partner.

I think I have gotten pretty close a few times.
I do ballooning with erect kegels now that is major league.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I think in the end holding a reverse kegel the entire time would help make you come quicker. I don’t think its about conditioning reverse kegels (if thats even possible), more just finding the exact right time where you don’t have a complete orgasm, but you dick sensitivity resets.

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