Thunder's Place

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I month into it...

I month into it...

When I stretch, my dick gets fatigued and I have weak erections for a few days…Makes PE hard, so in the last two weeks I’ve been just been doing this:

5 min warm wrap
20-25 min wet jelq
5 min wrap
50-60 Kegl
5 min hot wrap

It’s been roughly 3.5 weeks of doing this every other day or two days…I’ve noticed a difference already (beginner gains, I realize).

I’m going to do the every other day routine for another week or so, and then change to this:

5 min wrap
15 min wet jelq
70-80 Kegls
5 min wrap

2 days on, 1 off

I’ll do this for about three weeks or so…


What can I do about the stretches fatiguing me?

I’ve been jelqing off and on for a year, but never been able to be consistant because of living situation…Now I can commit to this and I have for a month, been trying different things. I am one who needs to take it slow, b/c the stretching has fatigued me in the past…

I’ve read that after about 2 solid months one can move on to other exercises and what not.

Anyone have any commetns or suggestions…Just curious…Thanks in advance.

BTW, I’m having good, intense work outs, but I’ve never felt “sore” the next day? Should I be? Does that mean I’m not doing enough….again, I’ve been doing this off and on for over a year…maybe it’s time to up the jelq time?

Thanks guys!

Last edited by JYD : 10-28-2004 at .

I find stretching does the same thing to me, which is a weak erection. So I have changed to just a jelqing routine for the past few weeks and find erections are now much better. I also found that Uli’s would also weaken the erection and have reduced these too.

Seems that the more time I put into stretching the harder my erections are? Odd how things effect people differently…


Stretching also fatigues me… so I’ve taken a break from that for a bit to see if doing just jelqing will once again increase the hardness of my erections.

Whats a “Hot Wrap” ???
Spicey Chicken filled wrap ??? mmmm yum

Er serisouly I cant seem to find a post on “Hot Wrapping”


What types of gains have you had being one month into it? Im trying to find the right amount of PE for myself to maximaize gains faster.

Current:3/31/2004 NBPEL----7.0" Base EG---5.25 Midshaft 4.8125

Start: 10/15/2004 NBPEL----5.9375" Base EG--5.0625" Midshaft 4.625

I’m a little over a week into an ADS, and although it’s early to start making solid statements about outcome, I find that the fatigue is mild enough not to affect my erections like more strenuous methods, and so far, it seems my erections are incredibly solid, and do look more impressive (to me at least :D ).

If it affects erections for days then I would venture that it’s a little too extreme at this point in your adaptation. If it only lasts a couple of hours then that would be a preferable routine imho.

In one month I’ve gained nothing in girth, but length went from one 6” BPEL to 6.375” BPEL. I stretched a little last night…Real light and today my erection is a weaker…I just need to take it real slow I guess. But I’m not going to stretch for now and see what just jelqing can do for me.

Keep em coming…

Ahh- Cheers mugwomp.

Oh man, I’ll be driving down the road and start thinking about my dick stretched over my wrist and I get a stiffy. Stretching is the hard work of PE and wet jelqing is the reward.

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