I need motivating guys.
Hi guys, at the moment my motivation for P.E is really low. During the summer I was okay, but recently I received some exam results (I was a student) and they’re not what I was aiming for, so now I have to essentially give up on my previous aspirations. To make matters worse, I didn’t get in to university this year, as I set my university choices too high to allow for any leaway, so I have a year in which to improve on my already pretty high grades. It’s a daunting task, and pretty demoralising, as I already achieved grades a majority of people didn’t.
This is taking it’s toll on my P.E’ing. I’m starting to get demotivated and I can’t stay consistent with my routine. In the past week I’ve done 2 days on, 2 days off, 1 day on, 2 days off, today being the 2nd day. And I just feel demotivated because I’ve been P.E’ing with about 60-70% consistency for almost 7 months and have only gained 0.2 BPEL, and that’s only on good EQ days, and isn’t cemented either.
I need some motivation, and i think that can come from the words of other P.E’ers.
Starting BPEL: 7.0, EG: 5.0
My Dream: BPEL 8.0, EG 6.0