Thunder's Place

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I suck at length gain :

I suck at length gain :

I’ve been doing PE for 11 weeks now and my most gains are in girth..
I’m 16.5-17 cm (6.7) NBPSL and 15 cm (5.9-6) EG.

My routine is
5 min warm up
5 min stretches variations
15 min 80% erect dry jelq (best exercise I’ve tried yet)
10 min 40%-60% erect wet jelq
5 min warm down

2 day on 1 day of

How can it be that I only gain girth?

I’ve heard that girth helps to gain more length so what are the best exercises for length?

I’d recommend going less time on those jelqs. If you are a newbie which it sounds like you are, 25 minutes of jelqing is a lot in my opinion. You should definitely focus more on stretching. That will really help you gain length. I’m currently only focused on length, so I’m not exactly looking for girth either. Lately I’ve said forget girth. I’m going to really focus on it when I hit my length goal. Btw that is a great starting size.

My starting size was 15X13 or 6X5

Has anyone over trained with stretching?

Like if your a newbie, doing 10 minutes stretching a day wouldn’t really scream over training would it?

It depends how intense the stretches are.. When I began, I noticed that I would have less morning wood if I stretched too hard, but jelqing has done nothing but helped.

DVR, I’m just curious, how is your erection quality? On a scale from 1 to 10, with 10 being rock hard?

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies solely in my tenacity.

Louis Pasteur

From 8-10 it depends on how horny I am

When you guys are talking about erection quality, are you guys talking about random erections. Or erection you get after you jerk it for a while.

Jerk off for awhile, how is that erection level?

80% erect jelqing is likely to give you girth gains.
Keep the erection level between 50-70%

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

You should probably not start a sentence with; “I suck…” on a web site that is dedicated to penis. Just a thought. :D

Originally Posted by devilknight666
You should probably not start a sentence with; “I suck.” on a web site that is dedicated to penis. Just a thought. :D


Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Oh damn,

I’m SO much more happy now! I ALWAYS thought the random erections I get from watching t.v was what you guys where talking about for erection quality. My erections are harder then ever!! :)

^ Sorry you guys had to deal with that

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