Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I think I am on to something new

There are major blood vessels in the thighs that can effect the blood flow to the penis.

It sounds like in that position, it somehow effects the blood and lymph flow. It sounds like you had increase lymph flow to the penis.

Lymph will lead to expansion, but sponginess. Increased blood pressure to the area will make it harder.

As long as the lymph buildup is no more than you are saying, I wouldn’t worry about it. Give it some time and see if it leads to gains.

I find it a very interesting effect, thanks for sharing it with us.

Overall, this is a very good group of guys. Don’t let the kidding ever get to you around here, it is usually good natured. Just consider this an online locker-room…you just have to give as good as you get and have a little fun with it when the kidding starts.

There are always many many of us that are appreciative of new information.


I thank you, bamixgee, for presenting us this innovative procedure - it sounds extremely promising. At the very least rest assured that you have my unquestionable admiration for spending your time attempting to explicate the secrets of the technique; and I damn hope you’ll stay with us here – we need more inventive people like you. :)

Can someone give me a hand here? Am I on the right track?

The Technique (Note: name of technique to be selected by bamixgee at a later date.)

1. Preferably in shower jelq and stretch, make sure the penis is warmed-up.
2. Squat.
3. Edge
4. Keep second hand wrapped around the base of the penis in the OK sign; occasionally release to free blood flow. (?)
5. Continue exercise for half an hour to an hour (?).

(Note: The longer you edge under this exercise, the larger the penis head will become. Furthermore, the swelling allegedly grows from the head of the penis all the way down to the rest of the penis under prolonged exercise. Moreover, there is considerable size increase almost instantaneously, and the duration of the gains are approximately two and a half hours. We currently are not sure whether any concrete [permanent] gains come from this exercise, however it seems likely they would.)

Hi Guy’s,

Looks like this thread is picking up some pace, cool!

I appreciate the positive comments guys, I think there may be something here even if we just end up discovering squatting helps with the routine. Tangerine your most welcome and I like the layout you have made for the Technique, let me fill in the question marks you left and add my 2 cents.

you wrote:

The Technique (Note: name of technique to be selected by bamixgee at a later date.)

1. Preferably in shower jelq and stretch, make sure the penis is warmed-up.
2. Squat.
3. Edge
4. Keep second hand wrapped around the base of the penis in the OK sign; occasionally release to free blood flow. (?)
5. Continue exercise for half an hour to an hour (?).

Here are my additions

The Technique (Note: name of technique to be selected by bamixgee at a later date.)

1. Warm up in shower (Warm water from the shower jets will help with circulation)

2. 3 - 4 Mins Stretch

3. Wet Jelq, overhand and underhand, mix it up some mins fast, some slow. I did 20 mins

4. Squat.

5. Edge

6. Keep second hand wrapped around the base of the penis tight in the OK sign; (Kegel say every 5 secs while stimulating the glands to maintain erection) occasionally release grip slightly to free blood flow, (every 1 minute or so and re- grip using the OK sign, then Kegel the pressure back up while stimulating)

7. Repeat exercise for 15 - 20 mins.


Once you notice the expansion starting, intensify the Kegel and use your OK grip like a valve, meaning when you Kegel loosen the grip enough to let the flow through, then quickly re clamp, you will notice the expansion spreading downward, I hope this helps. Bamixgee..

You should stay large for up to 2 hours I did,i n the first hour I thought the legendary John Holmes had possessed my Penis, so you will have enough time to grab your lady and surprise her. Remember do not over do this, if you feel discomfort or notice anything strange other than the fat Penis between your legs, STOP!

Bamixgee Out…


Please feel free to re edit the text changes I made to shorten it, you may be able to deliver it in a more basic way, but still maintain the important points , thanks again, Bamixgee

Originally Posted by bamixgee

Please feel free to re edit the text changes I made to shorten it, you may be able to deliver it in a more basic way, but still maintain the important points , thanks again, Bamixgee

In my opinion your write-up was more than suitable for comprehensive understanding; however, seeing as slackjawedyokel is having problems (no idea why) I will endeavour to do so for his sake at the least. ;)

The Technique (Note: Still awaiting chosen name for technique.)

1. Warm-up penis (in the shower or elsewhere).
2. Jelq.
3. Stretch for a few minutes.
4. Squat (bend knees).
5. Edge. (Hint: Use search bar.)
6. Keep second hand wrapped tight around the base of the penis, occasionally releasing every couple of minutes (or less), for free passage of blood. (This is to hold blood in the penis.)
7. Kegel (contract the BC muscle) – while you’re performing Step 6 – to increase pressure. Kegel every five seconds.

Additional technique for increased size:
(Once you notice increasing pressure and expansion of the tissue from above exercise.)
I. Intensify the kegel. Hold during following Steps.
II. Release ‘OK Sign Grip’ at the base of the penis.
III. As soon as you’ve released grip (Step II), quickly re-clamp the base.

Last edited by Tangerine : 04-28-2005 at .

Hi bamixgee,

Looks like your technique is great!, ive heard about doing squats to increase bloodflow over time for better erections, but I never thought of your excellent idea of combining them with PE, it sounds good.

I will try this technuiqe soon and tell you my experience.

I do BTC stretches while squatting and find them very effective. Will definitely try doing what Bamixgee has described - it sounds like finishing a good manual routine with squatting, manual clamping.

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Last edited by mbuc : 04-28-2005 at .

Hello all,

I have the name for the routine!

The Cutting “Edge” Routine

because it is so new it is kind of cutting edge PE and because you are Edging while doing this, does this sound good??

Bamixgee Out….

Yeah thats cool!

Originally Posted by Tangerine
Seeing as slackjawedyokel is having problems (no idea why)

Was that necessary?
I ask for help understanding what you meant, as I wasn’t sure I totally understood, and this is the response I get?
Aren’t we supposed to help each other out?
Why make that comment?

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

How to use the search button for best results. If you actually USE the search button, this is worth a read

Hang on, hang on. I helped you out, and I spent quite a bit of time helping you out too. Firstly, realize that that comment wasn’t directed as an offence, it was merely to show bamixgee that there is nothing wrong with the way he (wrote) explained it, and second stop being a cry-girl. ;) Come on - give me a hug man.

Well, I’m still awaiting the hug. :)


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