Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm new, but am I average

How did this turn into a four page thread? There should have been a single reply, “No.” End of story.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.

Disagree kazoo.

This sort of discussion is very important in my view, and what makes Thunder's different.

Other sites (who might be, I don’t know, selling penis enlargement), are likely to lard on the size BS; it’s in their interest to do so after all. Here we are interested in getting at the truth of things.

Granted we don’t yet have a definitive truth, as the research on this topic is limited, but we can dial people back from unnecessary insecurities that have been reinforced by porn, thoughtless remarks from the women (or men) in their life, etc. - not to mention those robber-baron pay sites that suck ass!


I don’t tell folks that size isn’t everything because I want people to give up on PE. I’m just trying to reaffirm the human part of this equation and to re-establish a respect for reality and a healthy sense of proportion - literally.

A firm grip on reality is important for PE to be accomplished effectively as well.

We live in a society of immediate gratification and, generally, an idea of “more is better” (ergo even more is even better). There are limits to this, though, as many of our members have run into.

Therefore: why not spend some time discussing this when it comes up? I’m for it.

If you can disabuse yourself of faulty or inflated notions about this stuff, you may just do your work-outs smarter, and therefore better.

Originally Posted by whynotmore
Would a Magnum XL go well with a 5.85 EG?

Yes. Because you have a monstrously fat cock. :D

Seriously, they probably will fit you.

and seriously, you do have a monstrously fat cock.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
Disagree kazoo.

This sort of discussion is very important in my view, and what makes Thunder's different.

Kazoo, I agree with you that it seems like one of those “give me a fucking break” kind of questions, and yes, of course the answer is NO.

But, Mr. Happy is making a really good point.

I noticed, and came to this forum, because having a mid-life crisis makes you reeeaaaally think about everything. So, look on the internet for average penis sizes, etc, and you get a lot of shit that can make someone who is having esteem issues feel even worse. (eg. the Topix survey that implies that if you aren’t 8x6 your not giving full satisfaction to a woman)

I showed up at Thunders, and it is now a place where I can discuss things that most people are too embarrassed to discuss elsewhere.

There are a lot of intelligent people here who can “expand”, (couldn’t help the pun), on topics that go deeper into why we want to be bigger, or even care to be bigger. And yes, I do want to have a larger unit. But, it won’t be the end of my world if I don’t grow at all.

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
The thing is… these size comparison conversations usually only come up because we men…bring them up.

The caveat is: if you ask, be prepared to hear the answer.

In cases like these, I’d say “don’t ask, don’t tell” is a good policy.

God I wish that was the truth. My last two girlfriends brought up the “size of last ex” without me bringing it up or asking. Just like things that have been seen cannot be unseen, things that have been heard cannot be… unheard?

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
A firm grip on reality is important for PE to be accomplished effectively as well.

We live in a society of immediate gratification and, generally, an idea of “more is better” (ergo even more is even better). There are limits to this, though, as many of our members have run into.

Therefore: why not spend some time discussing this when it comes up? I’m for it.

If you can disabuse yourself of faulty or inflated notions about this stuff, you may just do your work-outs smarter, and therefore better.

Well said!


Originally Posted by Spektrum
God I wish that was the truth. My last two girlfriends brought up the “size of last ex” without me bringing it up or asking. Just like things that have been seen cannot be unseen, things that have been heard cannot be… unheard?

Well, fair enough. It’s not always the man’s fault.

My experience here biases me, I guess. I’ve read countless threads bemoaning what some mean, awful woman said, only to find out, time after time, it was the genius in question who brought it up in the first place.

But it’s a fair point, women can certainly be thoughtless of their own volition. That shit has happened to me a few times. It sucks.

Young people in particular, who are new to sex in general may just be curious and exploring, and talking without thinking. In that mode there are bound to be comparisons (all of which are cheap, like I said), and other mishaps of communication, not intended to sting, but sting they do.

And some people are just plain mean. They’re pissed off about something in their life and they develop a vindictive streak to get back at the world, and feel like they are in charge.

So, shit happens, no doubt.

The bell, once heard, cannot be un-rung.

So, Spektrum, what was the context of these conversations? Do you think they were innocently trampling your feelings without knowing better? Or do you think it was more of a calculation on their part, to get at you or keep you under their thumb (so to speak)?

If you’re comfortable letting us know, it might be interesting for you to get some feedback. If you’re not into it that’s cool too. I only ask because…I want to know. :)

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Hey everybody, this guy needs you. It may not be to increase the size of his dick, but to be his friend and reasure him of life. There is no where out there for Mr Above average unless you’re huge. Besides he may have felt the family here and want in without really having a cock sized reason to. I like belonging. Lots of red wine talking I think.

Starting Stats: 5 3/4 bpel, 4 7/8 eg. Current Stats: 6 3/4 bpel, 5 1/2 eg. Goal: 9 x 6

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

Young people in particular, who are new to sex in general may just be curious and exploring, and talking without thinking. In that mode there are bound to be comparisons (all of which are cheap, like I said), and other mishaps of communication, not intended to sting, but sting they do.

Boy do my wife and I know this one. When you are young and looking, most people want to find someone who is sexually compatible. So begin the war stories. (eg. I’ve done this here or there, this feels really good, etc etc) It’s usually cool until you start to actually care about someone. Ain’t that a bitch. The lesson, as has been said many times, and in my humble opinion, DON’T ASK, DON”T TELL. 14 years later, the shit still gets my panties in a bunch sometimes.

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

So, Spektrum, what was the context of these conversations? Do you think they were innocently trampling your feelings without knowing better? Or do you think it was more of a calculation on their part, to get at you or keep you under their thumb (so to speak)?

If you’re comfortable letting us know, it might be interesting for you to get some feedback. If you’re not into it that’s cool too. I only ask because…I want to know. :)

I realize this was not directed at me, but I didn’t bring it up with either of my two most recent, they did.

With the most recent (one that kind of sucked) I was having trouble getting inside her because she has lubrication issues (we had just started dating) and we didn’t have any lube on hand (the issues are regarding her being comfortable in the situation, and she wasn’t comfortable with me going down on her at that point either). After about a minute and a half I basically mentioned she was a bit on the tight side (in a nice way) and she said “Well it shouldn’t be that difficult, my ex was the size of a pop can and he got in ok”. Note my gf is 5’2” and just under 100 lbs. Also note she’s been with about 25 guys give or take.

With my previous girl, she was definately a talker but the guys she had been with had ‘claimed’ they were 6 and 8 inches respectively (I was her third). Turns out they were much closer to 4 and 6 because I’m 7.5” NBP and she assumed I was in the 10” range. That was a very positive experience in my mind and actually gave me a decent amount of confidence. Too bad ms. pop can ^^ had to go ahead and ruin that ;)

Just for fun tonight, when we get to doing the deed, I’m going to bring out a medication bottle I have that measures 8.5” in girth. I’m going to tell her that I want to watch her get that inside her (note, I tried fisting her on two occasions just for the heck of it and never even got anywhere with that regardless of the quality/quantity of lube/forplay so I’m fairly confident she won’t be able to. I want to see her reaction to it and then later on bring up how it’s the “exact girth of a pop can, ironically”.

Originally Posted by house_md

Just for fun tonight, when we get to doing the deed, I’m going to bring out a medication bottle I have that measures 8.5” in girth. I’m going to tell her that I want to watch her get that inside her (note, I tried fisting her on two occasions just for the heck of it and never even got anywhere with that regardless of the quality/quantity of lube/forplay so I’m fairly confident she won’t be able to. I want to see her reaction to it and then later on bring up how it’s the “exact girth of a pop can, ironically”.

I think you’re playing with fire here. I’m an middle aged man with some experience. What do you think you’ll accomplish with this? If it fits, there is a distinct possibility that you will never be big enough for her. (in your mind ) If it doesn’t you will still be bringing up something that she, quite possibly, doesn’t want to remember. (her ex) He’s her “ex” for a reason. You HAVE a big unit RIGHT NOW! Work on wowing her with your timing, rhythm, and finding her spots.

Seriously, I can see ZERO good that can come from this experiment. Pound away like a champ, make her cum like she never has before. The rest of the bullshit will stay just what it is, bullshit.

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy
Well, fair enough. It’s not always the man’s fault.

So, Spektrum, what was the context of these conversations? Do you think they were innocently trampling your feelings without knowing better? Or do you think it was more of a calculation on their part, to get at you or keep you under their thumb (so to speak)?

If you’re comfortable letting us know, it might be interesting for you to get some feedback. If you’re not into it that’s cool too. I only ask because…I want to know. :)

I’d really be interested to hear some feedback. I’ve had it happen multiple times but I’ll give the two that still linger to this day:

Having sex for the first time with my ex-girlfriend, flipped her to try a new position, and was hit with the “careful, my ex used to hit my cervix in this position” followed abruptly by a “oh, you’re not even close, don’t worry”.

Recently, around Christmas time, a girl I was dating and I(who I’m now in a long term relationship with) were discussing opening Christmas presents. She said: “I love opening christmas presents, it’s like taking a guy’s pants off for the first time; most of the time you’re happy with what you see but sometimes you’re really surprised by it and sometimes you’re disappointed.” This caught me a bit off guard and not knowing how to respond I said: “I wouldn’t know.” She then elaborated by saying “I’ve been both.” and went on about the one she was disappointed in(“He was so small, about the size of a gumdrop”). I changed the subject before she could elaborate any further.

Although the last one wasn’t an admission of “super big ex!” it definitely made me wonder why she said it and wonder if she would have elaborated had I not changed the subject. I guess since it was put out there that she’s been “really surprised” by at least one that my mind has automatically jumped to the worst case scenario. I don’t think it was calculated but it could have been.

The same girl has called me “well endowed”, “well proportioned”, and said “the first time I saw your dick I felt like the NFL theme on TV should be playing.” but I feel like each time she was giving false complements(it was the tone of the voice, facial expressions, and lack of eye contact). They might have been genuine though, couldn’t say for sure.

OK, granted, some of these topics warrant further discussion, but why not start another thread about it? This guy is clearly above average, asking if he’s average. Either he’s completely uninformed, or fishing for compliments, and I have no problem giving him a straight answer in either situation.

Going for 6 inches of girth, wish me luck.


I think your are correct. I’ll start a new thread titled: “Women and Men Should Shut Up!”

Paraphrased: It is not the critic who counts: The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, who, at the best, knows the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.

Passing along info that was given to me when I asked a similar question:

You are big!

Starting/Present: 7.0 NBPEL x 5.5 EG

4/1/07 - 7.0 NBPEL x 5.7 EG - Pic: Chief dantes pics

Settle For: 8.5 NPEL x 6.5 EG

Originally Posted by Spektrum
No, it’s not. It encourages the “I’ll never be big enough” attitude and the “average penis size isn’t enough to satisfy a woman” bullshit that is all too prevalent around here.

At your size, I wouldn’t consider PE for any reason beyond trying to improve EQ. If a woman has an issue with that size(which I’d venture to say, few, if any, would) then it would be their problem.

I swear, the longer I’m on here, the more I realize that many of us have body dysmorphic disorder and other psychological issues(myself included).

You need to consider why you are heading down the PE path and if it’s something a woman has said to you in the past or an obession, I’d go see a therapist instead. PE will never cure you of that torment. On the other hand, if you’re doing it for yourself, for self improvement, or a hobby, then take all the precautions and be safe.

This IS good post.

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