Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is 6.5 Girth Too Much To Ask For

Originally Posted by Adsr
Personally, I would think if someone gained that in 2 weeks it would not be permanent gain.. Therefore you would most likely see allot of that fade away over time (unless you continue to do the same routine) But if you managed that sort of gain at all - it suggests you will find your first big gain easy.. I get the feeling from reading things.. You tend to get a good gain fairly quick, then more results slows down (you wait longer for them)

But I am new and I don’t actually know anything.. Only my thoughts

I am glad that it sounds so promising for you

You really are new because those gains don’t happen. .6 inches in 2 weeks, that of a half inch. His dick must have serious stretch mark.

I realised I didn’t answer the question asked - is 6.5 inches too much to ask for ? Definitely not IMO but I’d stop at 7 I think.

Originally Posted by sta-kool

Why not 8?

Very pithy :) Profound point, actually, that some guys might want to ponder.

Please :donatecar to Thunder's Place to keep it running.

Originally Posted by mrslong

For the love of GOD I know how to use a measuring tape, I work in a GYM, plus I measured with a string, a paper, 2 more tapes.I knew my initial measurements and I know my new measurements, 5.5 to 6.0. Yes it is hard to believe. I NEVER! Measure after PE always in the morning, and one morning I woke up to a 6.0 girth. Call it a miracle, me a lair, fake, whatever, I know what I got how long it took, and where I want to go with it.

Did you use bone pressed measurements? I am not calling you anything. Your my hero. If you have a detailed outline of your routine please share it.

I don't settle for meritocracy

Originally Posted by alborz

Did you use bone pressed measurements? I am not calling you anything. Your my hero. If you have a detailed outline of your routine please share it.

I agree, but you are not my hero, Yes please share your routine. If you can figure a routine in 2 weeks and gain as well, shit you may be my hero as well, but I doubt that you could. Tell you what, I can have this thread to the Members pic threads if you can posts some pics. Lets do it that way. Post pics.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
I am completely with tntjockey on this one. Good to see people can be blunt and honest with their opinions and say things without sugar-coating them. Consciously or unconsciously, mrslong is lying.

Blunt is not always good, but in this case I don’t feel that our new brothers do not have to read shit that this guy threaded. When I say new guys, not only do I mean newbies but the guys that joined a year ago. This takes a lot of work and newbies get some fast gains, but not like that. I just don’t want the newbies to get injured because they may think they are 2 weeks away from the promise land. It is not going to happen. We all talk about conditioning and conditioning takes a couple of month if you want to do this right.

Hey all, I don’t mean to be a asshole to this guy, as I mentioned before, Thunder has created a brotherhood here. We are all here for the same reason, but at the same time, a lot of us are mentors as well, and we mean well. I do mean well, I truly do, I have been injured before I found Thunders Place. This place is legit and we need to keep it that way, after all it is free and this is where it all started. We must be honest with each other. We are brothers, right? Some here thread of their personal problems and ask for help or advice, and we do advice and ending up getting a bond with a certain someone because he went through the same thing years ago or are going through the same thing.

I am not a hater, but a realist. I speak for Thunder and all the moderators, we care about you all and we don’t want anybody to get hurt or disappointed, but you have to know the truth, this takes a lot of work, and you will not get the bean stalk over night.

If you believe you can gain .6 inches in 2 week, I say keep the faith, but be careful, because you may hurt yourself trying and hopefully it will not happen. Injury to that part of the body takes time to heal. Read hobbie’s ‘shedding the snake’ thread. I did somethings that took months to heal, I posted it all. I was getting PM’s from a lot of the brothers asking how I was doing, this is a brotherhood. Now then be wise of what you thread or post, don’t put yourself in a situation as this guy did with out any proof. Why would anybody put your self in that position, weather the Internet or in their social life, they will loose respect and credibility. What we post here is our signature and our persona and I am sure I lost a lot of respect here because a lot of my posts on this thread, but I am a straight shooter.

To the new guys or for any of you as well, be honest and do not get yourself in the position to be called out. Have proof if you are being honest. I will tell you what, If this guy proves me wrong, I will apolgige to him in this forums public. I hope he proves me wrong.

Last edited by tntjockey : 05-20-2010 at .

Elementary math:
7.5”/5.5” -> 18 cubic inches
8.1”/6.1” -> 24 cubic inches
mrslong claims he has grown his tool 33,3% in less than two weeks!

The problem with this claim is the same as with the pills advertised to make you grow 4” in one month. Desperate people want to believe it (despite of any evidence) and nobody can prove it wrong!

Why do I bother? Because it insults my intelligence, my experience and feeds unreasonable hopes for some people only to get disappointed eventually.

Starting BPEL: 6.9" (Dec.1st, 2008)

Current BPEL: 8.11" NBPEL: 7.63" BPFSL: 9.09"

Current MEG : 5.6"

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Why not 8?

Well I guess that’s the limit where I’d stop getting the amazement gaze and start getting the freak gaze. Not to mention the jokes - Oversize can be ridiculous when taken to the extreme, I think. 8 inches of girth is hell of a lot!

Originally Posted by tntjockey
Blunt is not always good, but in this case I don’t feel that our new brothers do not have to read shit that this guy threaded. When I say new guys, not only do I mean newbies but the guys that joined a year ago. This takes a lot of work and newbies get some fast gains, but not like that. I just don’t want the newbies to get injured because they may think they are 2 weeks away from the promise land. It is not going to happen. We all talk about conditioning and conditioning takes a couple of month if you want to do this right.

Hey all, I don’t mean to be a asshole to this guy, as I mentioned before, Thunder has created a brotherhood here. We are all here for the same reason, but at the same time, a lot of us are mentors as well, and we mean well. I do mean well, I truly do, I have been injured before I found Thunders Place. This place is legit and we need to keep it that way, after all it is free and this is where it all started. We must be honest with each other. We are brothers, right? Some here thread of their personal problems and ask for help or advice, and we do advice and ending up getting a bond with a certain someone because he went through the same thing years ago or are going through the same thing.

I am not a hater, but a realist. I speak for Thunder and all the moderators, we care about you all and we don’t want anybody to get hurt or disappointed, but you have to know the truth, this takes a lot of work, and you will not get the bean stalk over night.

If you believe you can gain .6 inches in 2 week, I say keep the faith, but be careful, because you may hurt yourself trying and hopefully it will not happen. Injury to that part of the body takes time to heal. Read hobbie’s ‘shedding the snake’ thread. I did somethings that took months to heal, I posted it all. I was getting PM’s from a lot of the brothers asking how I was doing, this is a brotherhood. Now then be wise of what you thread or post, don’t put yourself in a situation as this guy did with out any proof. Why would anybody put your self in that position, weather the Internet or in their social life, they will loose respect and credibility. What we post here is our signature and our persona and I am sure I lost a lot of respect here because a lot of my posts on this thread, but I am a straight shooter.

To the new guys or for any of you as well, be honest and do not get yourself in the position to be called out. Have proof if you are being honest. I will tell you what, If this guy proves me wrong, I will apolgige to him in this forums public. I hope he proves me wrong.

Very good post tnt, no loss of respect here bro!

Sexually enlightening my generation one pussy at a time(sometimes 2 ;) ).

Progress Log

Improvement, it is the goal of life's search-Carl "Reaper" Sheapards

Originally Posted by tntjockey
I just don’t want the newbies to get injured because they may think they are 2 weeks away from the promise land. It is not going to happen. We all talk about conditioning and conditioning takes a couple of month if you want to do this right.

Well said, thanks for taking your time to put together that whole post.

Originally Posted by Ruz_
I was walking around like Mr big shot in till she dropped the bomb shell and told me that I was longer than her ex but her ex was thicker than me, that destroyed my confidence big time, I could never have sex again from that point on I thought everyone was bigger than me, I would look at every guy thinking that could have been her ex with bigger girth than mine.

Personally given the text I have highlighted I’d work on repairing your confidence/emotional state. What is your objective here? Sure PE will give you a bigger penis, but if your attitude is you want to be the biggest, you will never be. If you cannot see given the stats you are already large, then I wonder about your perspective.

I’m with you on all of the above Ruz_

Here you lost me:

Originally Posted by Ruz_
The truth is there are guys out there with 10-11-12 inch lengths and 7 inch plus girths.

Your basic point seems to be that there will always be guys larger than you. Fair enough.

It’s your example I take issue with. Even in the wonderful fantasy land of porn there are precious few with 10” of length, and only a very few with 7” of girth, and none with both.

The average human penis, from any sort of reliable data, seems to be between 5” and 6” long and 4.8” to 5” around. Anything above that is large.

The size that mrslong claims he started with is, in fact, a very large penis. The size he’s claiming now qualifies him to have his picture on the box-cover of a Monsters of Cock DVD. And he wants to get bigger… :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Ruz_
I’m not saying don’t PE, but I’d check on your motivations to ensure you are not setting yourself up for a fall.

I’m with you again.

mrslong seems to be wrestling with some core self-esteem issues that the conversation with his girl triggered. His competitive (and narcissistic) nature and his sense of self-worth firmly attached to his dick size, irrespective of the message he says his girl was sending him, seem to be at the root of this.

My ex girlfriend would always comment about my penis saying things like “please don’t let your d*** get any bigger” or like “wow that’s massive”

By the way, it's ok to spell out “dick” - we won't be offended. I mean it's a penis forum..right?

She’s telling him he’s big. She’s saying don’t get bigger. Most importantly SHE’S WITH HIM and not the ex, but all he hears is the guy has a slightly fatter dick and that’s what is REALLY important.

Give me a break. :rolleyes:

If mrslong is to be believed at all, he started out with a very, very large dick, which he has made even larger.

I think everyone is right to question him. A half-inch of length in two weeks would be extraordinary. A half-inch of girth in two weeks is simply not possible unless he’s beating the hell out of it and it’s all edema - but then erections would be a problem, wouldn’t they?

Yeah, I’m with tntjockey and UpTo7, smells like teenage bullshit.

I think the real problem is his apparent relentless quest to be king-of-the-hill with regard to penis size. Apart from any measuring discrepancies, exaggerations, or out-and-out lying, the real problem is between his ears, not his legs.

PE can be applied to help make changes but, as elastic as the body may be, the sky is not the limit, and the body is not made of Silly-Putty.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

This thread is interesting to me as I have seen a “big gain” in just two weeks. I SWORE I did everything correct and gained 0.75 inches of length. However, I look at my before and after pics and it doesn’t look like I jammed the tape measure into my fat pad as much as I thought. Could one of you statistics/math people take a look at my comparison pics (on my pic thread, post 11 or so) and see how much I actually gained? I just don’t know how to quantify it so I don’t come out looking like this guy, a lying n00b.

Good luck Mrslong.

My picture thread. WhopperJrs. Picture Place

Dec 2010- BPEL 6 3/8, NBPEL 5, MSEG 4.25

Originally Posted by tntjockey
If you believe you can gain .6 inches in 2 week, I say keep the faith, but be careful, because you may hurt yourself trying and hopefully it will not happen. Injury to that part of the body takes time to heal. Read hobbie’s ‘shedding the snake’ thread. I did somethings that took months to heal, I posted it all. I was getting PM’s from a lot of the brothers asking how I was doing, this is a brotherhood. Now then be wise of what you thread or post, don’t put yourself in a situation as this guy did with out any proof. Why would anybody put your self in that position, weather the Internet or in their social life, they will loose respect and credibility. What we post here is our signature and our persona and I am sure I lost a lot of respect here because a lot of my posts on this thread, but I am a straight shooter.

To the new guys or for any of you as well, be honest and do not get yourself in the position to be called out. Have proof if you are being honest. I will tell you what, If this guy proves me wrong, I will apolgige to him in this forums public. I hope he proves me wrong.

I AM BACK! I took a week off pe’ing because one guy said my gains would not be permanent and my “dick” would shrink back to it’s 5.5inches well today is 21st of May and I measured in the morning to find out my dick is still 6.0 inches, AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, sorry I have to keep typing in capitals to get my point a cross THERE IS NO PAIN, DISCOLORATION, BENDS, BUMPS, REDNESS I REPEAT NOTHING WHATSOEVER WITH MY DICK. It looks healthier that a tuna salad . So all the people out there thinking OMG he must have some serious pains, well it don’t. Like I said before it looks just like how it looked when it was 5.5inches just BIGGER!

Well 24th of May is back to PE’ing day I will take a picture on that day of my current size, to my journey of a 6.5inch girth dick so this time there is proof, and no rants like “he’s a fake” “impossible” “lier”

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

Mrslong seems to be wrestling with some core self-esteem issues that the conversation with his girl triggered. His competitive (and narcissistic) nature and his sense of self-worth firmly attached to his dick size, irrespective of the message he says his girl was sending him, seem to be at the root of this.

Well not really I get on really well with my EX where actually close friends so I’m not hurt or anything about breaking up I just feel I need to finish something. I’ve always been a competitive guy, I want to be the faster, strongest, funniest, and biggest with anything I do. I felt a bit incomplete when I was everything and I missed one thing, so this is my chance to go back into the past well future now finish what I had to do and leave.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

She’s telling him he’s big. She’s saying don’t get bigger. Most importantly SHE’S WITH HIM and not the ex, but all he hears is the guy has a slightly fatter dick and that’s what is REALLY important.

Give me a break. :Rolleyes:

You sound just like her, this better not be her on Thunder’s Place.hahaha I’m playing. It’s not that I was bigger than him it’s the whole package, and everything that goes with it.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

I think everyone is right to question him. A half-inch of length in two weeks would be extraordinary. A half-inch of girth in two weeks is simply not possible unless he’s beating the hell out of it and it’s all edema - but then erections would be a problem, wouldn’t they?

It would be soooo funny to see your face expression if I actually done it again, to see you eat those words. I done it before I can probably do it again.I might even get in the Guinness Worlds Record. The man that grew an inch in a month.

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

I think the real problem is his apparent relentless quest to be king-of-the-hill with regard to penis size. Apart from any measuring discrepancies, exaggerations, or out-and-out lying, the real problem is between his ears, not his legs.

PE can be applied to help make changes but, as elastic as the body may be, the sky is not the limit, and the body is not made of Silly-Putty.

Usain Bolt got 3 world records in one Olympic is that impossible? NO! EVERYBODY is different regardless if we are all human, we can all do extraordinary things, that makes people say that’s impossible that what makes us different. Maybe I’ve just got a fast growth rate who knows.


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