(Please excuse my double post, I was editing when the 10 min grace window expired. Please refer to this post over the one I posted before)
I hope you read this, no joke I sincerely do (I see its been almost a year since this thread has been active, thankfully its not one of the threads who started way back in like 2007)
I bought my SG probably in 2012 but only used it randomly as I was an impatient younger college kid at the time. I recently became very interested in PE again and have dusted off my SG after also using Jelqing with minimal effects on length and some possible (not recorded, but just from looking at it) gains in girth. Reading this whole thread, its clear you are basically the star, and has really put faith in me that SG (which I was pretty sure was something I wasted my money on till a week ago) can help to increase my length. I have now been using the devise for about a week (as much as is possible with life and whatnot) for 6-8 hours a day. Obviously its too soon to record any gains, which I’ve tried to see, but have seen none which is understandable as its only been a week.
I too love the gym, working out, and building my body. Though compared to starting in the 1980’s I suppose I’m a novice. I started working out seriously (not bodybuilding status, at least not yet) little over a year ago now and have made many visible/noticeable gains (as well as strength gains) since then. Definitely have become addicted to the gym and what hard work, dedication, and a love of chasing results can transform my body into. Thanks for what you’ve shared with us here, it gives me hope that I can transform a part of myself I previously thought was only able to change with expensive and dangerous surgery (though my own hardwork and dedication like I’ve experienced with the gym). Its odd but as I’ve read your posts It seems we have some similarities, such as previous PE experience, regularly working out, as well as I too love creative writing, mostly scifi and fantasy, however I havn’t taken to that hobby for a few years now. Back to PE, as far as length goes I am starting somewhat shorter than you. Girth is something I plan on building from jelqing but am hoping wearing the extender will help with as well. I too experimented with Jelqing before moving on to the extender or looking at the extender more seriously seeing possible results but nothing too noticeable.
Now that I’m past that “long story short” stuff, I was wondering:
About how long did you wear the devise before you started to see results in your measurements/looks?
As far as my experience with working out has gone, (and its been very consistent, try for everyday though it usually works out to 5-6 days for 1-2 hours) once I started to see results that was all the motivation I needed to continue to workout and gain. I feel with PE it will be the same for me, as far as using the SG extender.
So once again, how long was it before you started to see results in your measurements/looks in terms of length, and have you noticed anything in terms of girth?
I have literally read this entire thread and all your replies as well, once again thanks for your candidness. I know I don’t just speak for myself when I say we really appreciate it.