Thunder's Place

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Is the average penis sized based on bpel or nbpel curious

Is the average penis sized based on bpel or nbpel curious

I’m wondering what all these surveys are based on because women tell me all the time my dick is just right. That might have truth behind it for them but it don’t help my ego at all. I wouldn’t mind being to big and painful for them if I had my choice but through hard work and dedication I’m sure I will be:)

Started 1/7/12 6 1/8 bpel 5.75 nbpel 4.75 mseg 5 glans

Short term goal 6.5x 5.25 Currently weighing in at: 6.5 x 5

Long term Goal: to be able nickname my dick the MONSTER

I would say anything close to 6.0 nbp is above the norm so your responses from these women are probably valid. All of the studies vary from some bp to some nbp. I guess girth could be consistence but I’ve seen some girth studies with it being in the low 4’s for girth.

Started: 5.0bpelx5.0mseg.


You know what it is I did time 5 years in prison. They should do a survey in that place, I’m guessing the average would be about 7 inches. I know I have no problem pleasing woman it’s being in a shower room with a bunch of 6 inch flaccids that really hurt my pride and made me want to PE.

Started 1/7/12 6 1/8 bpel 5.75 nbpel 4.75 mseg 5 glans

Short term goal 6.5x 5.25 Currently weighing in at: 6.5 x 5

Long term Goal: to be able nickname my dick the MONSTER

Yea sometimes when you see others they do appear to be larger or are larger especially flaccid. In prison you do see alot of different sizes but does it mean their that big erect.

Started: 5.0bpelx5.0mseg.


From what I noticed most white males seem to be growers while enthic men seem to be showers. So your probaly right when erect they would be in that range. Someday ill be swinging dick with them whistling at the lady c.o’s with confidence. Not that I want to go back but it’s a interesting thought

Started 1/7/12 6 1/8 bpel 5.75 nbpel 4.75 mseg 5 glans

Short term goal 6.5x 5.25 Currently weighing in at: 6.5 x 5

Long term Goal: to be able nickname my dick the MONSTER

Most of the reputable studies conducted their measuring using a bone-pressed system, and those are the results that are typically referenced, which is good news!

As for showers vs growers, about 20% of the population are naturally showers, while the rest are growers. At least that’s what this poll indicates.

Originally Posted by mike4545

From what I noticed most white males seem to be growers while enthic men seem to be showers. So your probaly right when erect they would be in that range. Someday ill be swinging dick with them whistling at the lady c.o’s with confidence. Not that I want to go back but it’s a interesting thought

Mike please remember to capitalize you’re ‘I’s and full stop your sentences. ‘ill’ should be ‘I’ll’ etc. Also watch spelling and try to avoid the use of acronyms, makes it much harder for non-native English speakers to read, I’m not sure what ‘c.o’s’ is. Thanks :)

Originally Posted by Tweaking

Mike (,)please remember to capitalize you’re ‘I’s and full stop your sentences. ‘ill’ should be ‘I’ll’ etc. Also watch spelling and try to avoid the use of acronyms (; ) makes it much harder for non-native English speakers to read(.) I’m not sure what ‘c.o’s’ is. Thanks :)

You need to bone up on “;” , “.”, and “,”. co = Correction Officer.

Last edited by dtwarren1942 : 01-25-2012 at .

It is true that both my spelling and grammar are quite weak, however, spelling (and capitalization) are part of the Forum Guidelines whereas grammar is not. I run a spell check and I do my best to punctuate properly, which is all I’m asking. I noticed you missed my most heinous grammatical error, the incorrect use of “you’re”. :p

Originally Posted by Tweaking

It is true that both my spelling and grammar are quite weak, however, spelling (and capitalization) are part of the Forum Guidelines whereas grammar is not. I run a spell check and I do my best to punctuate properly, which is all I’m asking. I noticed you missed my most heinous grammatical error, the incorrect use of “you’re”. :p

I guess I am not perfect either. Without spell check, I would have been banned long ago.

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