If you find that you’re only stretching your skin and not inducing an increase in pressure within the penis, then you are either not jelqing at a high enough erection level, are allowing blood to flow out of the penis too rapidly by releasing your grip or are not using a tight enough grip.
Try kegeling between strokes to maintain pressure. When releasing the grip at the end of one stroke, kegel and hold until your alternate hand is in place for the next stroke. Be sure to use deliberate 2-3 second strokes. Count them 1-Mississippi, 2-Mississippi, 3-Mississippi. It’s very easy and very expected to have bad form when just starting out. As with many things in life.. there is no substitute for experience.
If you want to see firsthand what kegeling between strokes does for you, try using a tourniquet grip at the base of the penis when only semi-erect (30-50%). Loosen the grip slightly, give a strong kegel, then tighten the grip and wait a second then repeat. Don’t move your grip up the shaft. By repeating this process, you should be essentially pumping blood into the penis with the kegel and maintaining it with the tightening of the grip. This should allow you to fully engorge your unit if you continue.
I wouldn’t call this a PE method (unless you intend to fully engorge and manually clamp which I *wouldn’t* recommend for you at this point), but it will help you with kegel timing and grip strength when alternating hands.
Tight grip
Kegel/Loosen grip simultaneously
Let off kegel/Tighten grip simultaneously
Kegel/Loosen grip simultaneously
Should help you learn a little about engorging your unit and what kind of grip works for you. If you don’t *feel* engorgement (that term is so perfect for the feeling), then you most likely are only stretching your skin.
Also, are you wet jelqing or dry jelqing?
Furthermore, 6in BPEL is hardly small.