Thunder's Place

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Jelq - How much pressure?

Jelq - How much pressure?

How much pressure do you put when jelqing?

I’m asking because I hope to avoid injury. I have been grabbing from a bit behind the fat pad very tightly and moving it up along the shaft. After only 1-2 inches of moving up the shaft, veins are sticking out and the whole thing is red. So I wonder how much pressure do you (more experienced people) typically apply?

It shouldn’t be much thight. You should move blood inside your penis. If you feel even a light discomfort in the glans, than you are using too much pressure.

I start with a good deal of pressure at the base and slowly relax my hand as I move toward the tip. I don’t want a lot of pressure. I want blood flow. It should feel almost pleasurable but not quite uncomfortable. I try not to put more pressure into my shaft than I would normally get with a good erection.

Started: 01/01/2015 ~ BPEL: 7.2 inches. EG: 5.5 inches. [05/01/2015: BPEL: 7.6 X 5.5.] [08/06/2015: 7.75 X 5.5] Goal: Better EQ

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Start very light and get used to it. Always warm up.

After some time and sessions you can increase pressure.

You want to find a mode that is good for you personally Time/intensity. Enough to gain not so much that you toughen or get injured.

Needs some experience.

Just note your reactions during after and next day.

should never hurt. at most felt “worked”

As dickerschwanz has said, you want to start with light pressure. The reason is to get a more personal feel as to where your pressure limits are. The last thing you want is to use too much pressure, which is a common mistake among newbies who get overzealous.

You want the jelq to create that feel good sensation when getting an erection. The pressure (against the tunica of the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum) is what induces size increase, so you want to establish a set amount of pressure for yourself. And the farther away from the glans the less pressure it will get; the closer you get to the glans the pressure increases on the glans.

To avoid the pressure on the glans just simply reduce the pressure on the corpus spongiosum. You can do this by using a “C” grip that only clamps down on the corpora cavernosa. For corpus spongiosum and glans work you can use the “C” grip that clamps down on the corpus spongiosum, hooking around the corpora cavernosa partially.

This is all based on my knowledge of the penis anatomy, and personal experience. It shouldn’t be taken as the definitive truth.

Starting size: 6.25" BPEL (5.5" NBPEL); 6.5" BPFSL; 5.0" MEG (3/2014)

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL (7.25" BPEL); 5.5" MEG

Current size: 6.50" BPEL (5.75" NBPEL); 7.5" BPFSL; 5.25" MEG (11/25/2015)

Last edited by DomnariRailings : 01-31-2015 at .

Good thread.

I used the pure C grip many times, but I didn’t feel the force was enough so now I make a mix of C and O grip. I close fingers more than C, so that I get more pressure throughout the stroke. But not as much as O. Should I NOT do this? Please let me know.

PE start Aug 25, 2013: BPEL 6.7" x EG 4.7" and BPFSL 7".

Paused between Dec 2013 and Dec 2014 due to injury. Careful with those rice socks!

Goal 7" x 5". Ideal is 8" x 6" but let's not even dream about that yet...!

Thanks for the knowledge about the difference between an “O” grip and a “C” grip. I will definitely be careful about not applying too much pressure.

Originally Posted by marinera
It shouldn’t be much thight. You should move blood inside your penis. If you feel even a light discomfort in the glans, than you are using too much pressure.

I will keep that in mind. I’m thankful for the advice.

Originally Posted by gregorius
Good thread.

I used the pure C grip many times, but I didn’t feel the force was enough so now I make a mix of C and O grip. I close fingers more than C, so that I get more pressure throughout the stroke. But not as much as O. Should I NOT do this? Please let me know.

It totally depends on what YOU feel. The “golden window” is the point between feeling the blood being bundled just above your grip & moved along the shaft to that feel good feeling I described.

The moment you start feeling the onset of pain, you can either ease up or stop…then retry using less pressure. This of course comes after checking on the condition of your penis.

The “C” grip (for me) is a very loose term to describe ANY type of grip where the finger(s) do not interlock or even touch with the thumb. I myself am experimenting with a bent index inside the C grip to better target the spongiosum canal (still in experimental stage).

My only concern with jelqs is the dreaded tunica of the corpus spongiosum bursting (slightly worse that a capillary burst). The tunica (and it’s entire structure) is way weaker (softer; less rigid) than that of the corpora cavernosa. So for me it seems as though the corpora cavernosa suffer slightly due to the weaker structure of the corpus spongiosum. (This is why I am experimenting with jelqing them separately).

Hope this helps…and others as well. Difference of opinion, experience or theories are most welcomed.

Starting size: 6.25" BPEL (5.5" NBPEL); 6.5" BPFSL; 5.0" MEG (3/2014)

Goal: 6.5" NBPEL (7.25" BPEL); 5.5" MEG

Current size: 6.50" BPEL (5.75" NBPEL); 7.5" BPFSL; 5.25" MEG (11/25/2015)

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