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jelqing erect

jelqing erect

Is it dangerous to jelqing erect??? What happens if I do?

Hey begginner,

I’ve personally never jelqed Erect only Semi-Erect because I wanted length instead of Girth when I first started. But here’s a thread that might help you…

Newbie Rant

My only #1 advice to newbies, take a picture of your dick and put it ona floppy. Many years later of PE you'll remember all the good times between then and now. ''There is a word for people who never stressed about the size of their penis — 'women'. '' Starting stats since Feb. 16, 2001 NBP: 5.7\'\' EG: 4.7\'\' Now on Aug. 8, 2003 NBP: 7.75\'\' EG: 5.3\'\'~5.5\'\'

So 6, are you saying that semi-erect jelqing mainly enhances length, while fully-erect jelqing enhances girth?

—-are you saying that semi-erect jelqing mainly enhances length, while fully-erect jelqing enhances girth?—-

Their have been posts stating that jelging at a 40%-60% Erection mainly gets length gains as 60%-100% gets Girth

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