Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie Rant

Newbie Rant

Hi guys. I was supposed to search the internet for medical evidence of the danger of erect jelqing but I got caught up in a business deal (thank god!). Anway, after doing some searching, I have found next to nothing real on pe or pe injuries beyond paysite nonsense and message board posts. The only thing I found with regards to erect jelqing problems were very consistent messageboard posts complaining about the inability to reach full erection after erect jelqing which would subside with a few days rest. Probably due to some form of nerve compression.

One thing I did discover was that the overwhelming majority of injuries do seem to come from jelqing in general regardless of state of erection (as lilbig suggested). But this may be due to jelqings relative popularity. Most of these injuries seem to be minor/moderate. There still seems to be a very strong prejudice against hanging in general - but it does seem to be very effective at creating length gain (as reported by practitioners). I still wouldn’t do it because it seems to me the potential for droopy dick is high if you stretch out your ligaments to that extent. Also, the time needed to reach the goals doesn’t seem to me to be very healthy (lol). The potential for serious ligament injury seems to be high as well. Not to mention that ligament stretching is generally considered something to avoid with the human body. Hey but if it works for you more power to yoiu.

Personally, I have found the less I do, the more I gain which may seem odd but its really true. I still can’t get over it. I am having excellent results from doing light jelqing and now light stretching every other day. I also do a few of the squeezes very carefully every other day. It seems the day off in rest every other day allows any microgains to solidify. I am also able to have sex within hours of peing or any activity with a very nice hardon compared to when I was doing 5 days on 2 days off. The most difficult thing about the day on day off routine for me was that it forced me to lose the pe obsession and addiction ( or at least modify it lol). The less I worry or think about my dick the better off it seems to be. When I reach 7.5 and 5.25 solidly and I am close, I am done with this pe business. In fact, I am beginning to consider that this may be too big for many women.

One of the very sad things about pe injuries is that unlike injuring your arm or knee, dick injuries can have extraordinarily profound effects upon your psyche and general mental health. I cant think of a worse injury, I guess short of breaking the neck , then an injury that prevents the proper functioning of the penis. The inabilty to properly express the sex drive must be a particularly painful type of hell especially initially.

Isn’t it amazing how most of us when we first heard of pe thought we would gain 2 or 3 inches in 6 weeks like the ads promised? Now we discover that most people are extremely lucky if they gain half of that in 2 years! And then the crazy stories about the jelq. Most of the information about pe and pe techniques were written by scammers or good people copying scam information. Obviously, tell a man he can increase his dick size easily and without destructive surgery and you will see a man whip out his credit card very quickly. There is a lot of money to be made with natural pe, probably far more than allopathic surgery techniques.

Anyway, if you are stuck and not going anywhere with your pe, try a strict (its not easy to lay off the dick pe wise every other day - but possible) every other day routine for at least a month or two. I didn’t see any gain right away doing it this way but I noticed immediately very strong erections, strong enough where it made me believe that I gained, and now I am seeing a much bigger dick in the erect state consistently. One danger I will tell to you of right away, and I’ve been a sucker to it I admit, is what I call the “happy response”. You start to see the results and decide to jelq or stretch more. Big mistake. Don’t do it. Let it rest, solidify and live to grow another day.



i disagree about your 1 on 1 off work out
i think that it does not give good results
my first month of jelqing i did 1 on 1 off with 5-10 mins. of jelqing
after 1 month no results so i thought no big deal right 10 min. of jelqing is nothing so for my second month i jelqed for 20-30 min.
after 1 month guess what no gains so now after talking to lil1
i do a 3 on 1 off work out no gains yet but its not been a month yet. i hope this may help you out in some way



It’s different strokes for different folks. Newbie you found something that works for you stick with it until it stops working than shake up your routine and try something new. What I have learned from this board is that everybody responds different. When I first started I was doing 2x 20 min jelq sessions 5 days a week and was making great gains and was trying to get everybody to try it, and some did and it didn’t work for them. So now I just tell people to try different routines until they find one that works for them.


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