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Just beginning, some questions.

Just beginning, some questions.

Hey, I have just started PE, I am doing 3 days on and 1 day off.

I am doing my newbie routine every time I bathe.

Using a wrap before I enter the shower (5min)
Doing my stretches (10min) then doing another wrap(5min) in the shower
When I am done bathing, I do (10min) of wet jelqs then I wrap again
After I do my kegels

I do this to save time, so I can bathe and warm up/stretch at the same time

I feel like this is working because I feel sore in the morning

My questions are:

I take a pretty hot shower, but is it good enough for a warm up? (My penis is wrapped in a towel while I bathe)

My primary problem is premature ejaculation. I find it very hard to maintain an erection if I’m not watching porn (even during sex :( ) , I’ve read in other threads porn desensitizes the brain, and I am experiencing this first hand, should I stop watching it??

I find doing PC exercises very difficult. Does my weak PC muscle and my desensitized brain (lol) cause my premature ejaculation?

Originally Posted by solely1034
Hey, I have just started PE, I am doing 3 days on and 1 day off.

I feel like this is working because I feel sore in the morning

Who ever told you that PE was supposed to hurt?

The idea is that penises are designed to multi-task. Peeing, sex, and play. When your unit hurts, a couple of these functions become uncomfortable.

You are not working on quads; legs have significant muscles. You are working on a body part that does not have any official muscle in it. Re-think what you are doing.



Warming up in the shower is fine.

Take a break from porn. Not only can it desensitize you, but porn is typically crude, highly unrealistic, and tends to foster performance and size anxiety in men. Learn to use your own imagination and develop an awareness of the subtle sensations your body experiences during sex. And, it goes without saying, learn to get in tune with your partner. Reality beats the shit out of porn.

Premature ejaculation is common as dirt. You can work to improve the situation by learning to recognize the various sensations you are feeling during sex, as noted above. Practicing edging will help. Masturbate nearly to the point of ejaculation, then back off. Repeat as long as you can, trying to maintain your erection and arousal. The more you do so, the better can recognize the point of no return. Try a Google search for “tantric sex”. Being able to talk openly with your partner about all things sexual (likes, dislikes, challenges, embarrassments) can do wonders for improving your sex life, and your relationship in general.

It becomes easier to do Kegels with practice. As you strengthen the pelvic musculature you’ll be able to delay ejaculation somewhat. You can do Kegels anytime, anywhere.

As for your premature ejaculation problem - I don’t know about others, but I know that what makes me cum fast is the tension of my muscles.
If all my muscles are really tense I tend to ejaculate very fast, but if I relax all or most of them I can go on literally forever.
I know this might sound strange, but check it for yourself when masturbating - relax all the muscles in your body(beside the working hand of course:D ) and see if you notice any difference.

Hope this helps;)

Originally Posted by avocet8
Who ever told you that PE was supposed to hurt?

The idea is that penises are designed to multi-task. Peeing, sex, and play. When your unit hurts, a couple of these functions become uncomfortable.

You are not working on quads; legs have significant muscles. You are working on a body part that does not have any official muscle in it. Re-think what you are doing.

I think I didn’t get my point across what I meant to say is that my penis feels different when I have an erection. But I have no discomfort when I use it.

Thanks for the feedback guys, this forum is great :)

Originally Posted by BadMr
As for your premature ejaculation problem - I don’t know about others, but I know that what makes me cum fast is the tension of my muscles.
If all my muscles are really tense I tend to ejaculate very fast, but if I relax all or most of them I can go on literally forever.
I know this might sound strange, but check it for yourself when masturbating - relax all the muscles in your body(beside the working hand of course:D ) and see if you notice any difference.

Hope this helps;)

Oh yes the beginnings of ballooning or edging.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
Oh yes the beginnings of ballooning or edging.

I am not familiar with these terms, could you explain or point me in the right direction please? Sorry for the laziness

Originally Posted by solely1034
I take a pretty hot shower, but is it good enough for a warm up? (My penis is wrapped in a towel while I bathe)

I saw this on a TV-quiz a couple of days ago. They said that if a MAN uses too many hot showers (be it on the penis or balls, or both) that there is a higher possibility to get ‘sterile’ (that’s what babelfish gave me as a translation for the word of ‘not being able to have children’). I don’t know if this is really true, I sure hope it’s not, because I always hot wrap my penis with a shower as hot as possible.

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