Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Just wanted to say hello and I have a couple questions.

Just wanted to say hello and I have a couple questions.

Hello everyone!

Time to pop the cherry. I’ve been hanging around here for over a month now. Taking in all the info I can. I’ve PE’d before, a few years ago but just pumping with a Dr. Joel’s kit with Elect-pump (both cylinders) and pulling my dick when mood hit me.. I got very minimal gains in over 8 months of really working the pump routine. All it really did was gave me a little more flaccid.

So here I am hoping this is the holy grail of PE. I’m just starting to hang now with my homemade Wench thanks Captain. I’d like to know how you guys keep your glans from getting cold when hanging? Mine was like ice after 20 min hang. I’m starting out slow with only 5 lbs. 20 min hang 5-10 mins off 1 hour total. I wrap with t-shirt and rubber inter-tube then Wench. I searched but found nothing on cold head.

What is the best routine for growing a bigger head? I really need to work on that it’s pretty small. I started Uli’s #3, anything else?

Couple more questions:

Why doesn’t everyone have their data in Data site area? Including mod’s and high profile people?

I’d like to know why nobody posts their head size? Just the girth and width. I think it’s important. It’s the first thing a woman feels going in.

Thanks for this great place to hopefully grow a bigger penis.


(Started 2/21/06) BPEL 7.125 - NBPEL 5.625 - MSEG 5.625

(As of 8/23/07) BPEL 7.5 - NBPEL 6.000 - MSEG 5.87

2nd goal is BPEL 7.750 NBPEL of 6.250" and EG 6" - Long term goal is NBPEL 8" - Girth 6.50

Ulis are your best guess for increasing head size. Also clamping just behind the head would be an idea but it is risky because nerve damage can occur.

Not everyone wants to take the time to put their data in the Data site area.

Not everyone find head size equal or more important as girth and length. I happen to be one of them. Also increasing head size is the most difficult so for many people it isn’t worth the effort.

This might be useful:

Head Size: Makes All the Difference in the Illusion of Size

Because of the anatomy adding girth to the glans is difficult for most guys. That’s probably why it’s not in the database or not reported or discussed much.

Twenty minutes in the hanger is probably a bit long for a newbie hanger. The cold glans is hard to avoid. Clamping a far back as you can and trying to put the clamping pressure on the sides, rather than the top and bottom, might help.

Take a look at the new vacuum hangers, as well. VacExtender, Max-Vac, SuckXtender

I made one a couple months ago and have noticed that my head appears larger, but have no measurements to back it up since it wasn’t a goal of mine. I’m a big fan of killing two birds with one stone, and if I can hang and expand my glans at the same time, all the better.

Thanks for the replies and info. I missed that Head Size link when I was searching. I’m glad to hear that cold head is expected. I use the grippers in the Wench so I am getting pressure on the sides. I’m guessing the main people that think head size isn’t important are the ones that have big ones. :) How long should I hang with 5 lbs?

(Started 2/21/06) BPEL 7.125 - NBPEL 5.625 - MSEG 5.625

(As of 8/23/07) BPEL 7.5 - NBPEL 6.000 - MSEG 5.87

2nd goal is BPEL 7.750 NBPEL of 6.250" and EG 6" - Long term goal is NBPEL 8" - Girth 6.50

Although I have a Bib hanger and have used it a few times, I did not use hanging during the time I was doing active PE. So my warning was a “common sense” one and not absolute. You might look through the threads listing here…

Most Important Hanging Threads

…for additional suggestions. One thing it says it newbie hangers should limit themselves to 45 minutes per day or three 15 minute sets.


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