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Kegels and stretching while discoloration

Kegels and stretching while discoloration

Hi, I’ve just started PE for a week or two and due to some stupid idea that I was special and could gain more then any other,
I overdid it, and got 2 dots of discoloration (big as a fingernail) on my lovely unit.

Basically I’m sure that it’s due to hard jelqing and I was wondering if I still could do kegels and stretching (since I still believe I’m just stretching ligaments) during the time I have these dots?

Is there any good methods to gain EQ quick in exception to jelq and kegels?
I’d like my 7 NBPEL unit to work at it’s best, my EQ is only 5-6, and I’m only 23.

Anyhow, I’d like to say thanks to this forum and it’s great information for helping me get my first morning-wood ever after only 6 days in.

What did you “overdo”? What exactly does your discoloration look like?

You can stretch and do kegels, you can’t get discoloration from that.

Is your EQ 5-6 only recently or for a longer time? Kegels and jelqs are best for EQ. Many have reported increased EQ from pumping and clamping as well, but you should stay away from those for now.

If your EQ has been bad for a longer time, you should probably look into diet and exercising.

Well I did too many, and probably pushed it to hard, also tried Ulis. The discoloration is like a dark bruise and has been there for 2-3 days now.

Is there anything bad about the discoloration, does it affect anything more then the skin color?

Yes, my EQ has been from 5-7 my whole life, tho’ I can, if I really try and get into it, push it to a 9 at best, but can’t hold it for many seconds.
I have already got better EQ these few weeks. Hopefully it will fix it.

I exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, I doubt it’s anything from that. Is there any vitamins or such as supplement to increase EQ?

That’s not discoloration, those are bruises.
Discoloration appears over some time, little by little.

In a few days/weeks you should be back to normal.

It’s good to hear PE is helping with your EQ, but you’re too young to be having that bad EQ even with proper diet and exercising. Maybe it’s your hormones?

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