Originally Posted by nplusone
I think there is a limit to gaining which varies from person to person. Probably in the range of 2-5 inches for most people. Think of some of the world’s most elite power lifters. They are superhuman and even they are nearing the limit of what the human body is capable of — why wouldn’t such a limit exist for something like PE?
Why would such a limit exist for PE?
Muscles need a precise combination of fat, fluids, supplements, fuel and trauma to advance and genetics to get the furthest possible.
PE generally does not need anywhere near that level of precision and we are not creating complex, load bearing and power generating muscle that is tied to bone. Nor are the maximum proportions of our penises directly tied to a body build or bone structure like muscles when body building.
The biggest gainers have no commonalities physically that I’ve seen. Not age, race, body build, fitness level or fat proportions. In the most elite power lifters you see a lot of the same physical markers for a reason. But out of all the guys I’ve coached I’ve seen nearly no one I’d say was reasonably similar or identical. Which in power lifters at the top end of the spectrum you see a lot of similarities, with good reason.
The only limiting factor I’ve seen in PE is time the practicioner is willing and able to be productive. Anyone who has mastered PE will keep gaining indefinitely, as long as they are willing and putting the effort forward.
People will quit when they get to where they want to go. They generally are not limited by anything physical other than their ability to figure out the next best step to continue forward. Plateaus are merely a matter of not having the optimum routine. They are not a matter of there being no further means forward.