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Looking for feedback on EQ and PE Routine

Looking for feedback on EQ and PE Routine

Hi guys, I can’t get or maintain a 100% erection and it’s pissing me off.

I’ll try and give as complete a picture as possible to get the best advice.

I’m 38. I now train six times a week a mix of hypertrophy and intervals/MMA. Over the last 6years and training three times a week, I’ve been 38lbs away from a lean six pack. Now I’m around 21lbs. I mention these things as I know added fat mass can cause erection problems.

Here’s the back ground - For the length of time I’ve been doing PE I should have a 10”x8” monster – but I don’t. To be honest I’m barely past what I started with. I was 14.7cm in length and 13.6cm in circumference. I want 8” and 6” ¼ around.

I came to Thunders after watching some of Leo and Longevity’s content on PE.

I was a member on Matters of Size and got some great help from the owner DLD but the forum has more or less disappeared and I’m not sure what’s going on, so here I am.

I started PE when I was 18(Year 2000). I would jelq and do some hand clamping. Nice pump. No growth but I also only did it for a month or two before I lost my mojo.

Eventually in my mid twenty’s I did some new google searches and I picked PE back up.

Traction is the key to length apparently, so I tried sleeping with a jes extender to limit any daytime inconvenience with PE and on the first night I woke up with a numb cock – which FREAKED me out and put me off again.

Cock was ok but the idea that I’d use a device for 8hrs a day that I’d have to remove every 20mins for 5mins to allow fresh blood back in was never going to happen long term with work etc.

2009, I’m in my late twenty’s and I get the PE bug again. I learned about bathmates. Mojo was high but this is where I feel my erection problems began.

My routine was 10-15minutes of water pumping during my shower. Impressive pump. But no real growth.

I was told its simply not enough work to see results.

A year or so later I introduced air pumping to do a second pumping session later in the day, thickness was definitely improved but I wasn’t consistent enough to see if it worked long term.

My mojo fell again, so I sack the air pumps but keep the bathmate most days as its easy and time efficient to use.

Fast forward to 2016 and I’m reminded that traction is key for length gains, so I found a more practical ADS device that I could wear it 6+ hrs a day, 5 days a week.

I work in a gym so I didn’t want to be on show and I wanted to be able to stretch while wearing shorts, so for this 6 month period(my most committed yet) I stretched out towards my left or right hip as if I went down to my knee you’d see the device when wearing shorts.

No real progress again. I remember thinking, surely the direction I stretch wouldn’t hold me back?! So at this point I’m REALLY frustrated. Mojo tanks for a few years. I sack the ADS although I still keep the bathmate routine most days as somethings better than nothing right?!

My erection quality is now really starting to get to me as well. In 2016 I started sleeping with more hot women and managing an 80% erection at best. Its been YEARS at this point since I’ve seen my cock at an upward erection angle(aware traction can affect this) and I don’t like it.

Fast forward to 2020 and the PE bug bites again, cash is tight, so I can only do a manual routine but it’s time to go all in and be consistent - no more fucking about. I decide to add steady state cardio to my weight training routine and increase 3 training sessions a week to 6.

I start 20mins of jelqing a day. No bathmate. I run all my goals, ideas and previous dead ends past DLD and he really took the time to answer my questions and tried to help me.

2020 Routine(Erect Length NBP – 14.7cm, Erect Girth – 13.6cm)

20mins Jelqing, Mon-Fri.

Never missed a session for 15 months.

2021 April Gyms open up in the UK, so with a better budget I decide to add some tools to improve my PE plan. I bought a 5” ¾ air pump with no gauge. To stay consistent, the routine has to stay around 30mins but I feel I have to up the ante from the jelqing as the results are 0.5mm a month in length. (Erect Length NBP – 15.6cm, Erect Girth – 13.6cm)

Warm up stretches.
5mins pumping(hard as I can take it, then pulling on the tube 30secs on/30secs off)
5mins SSQ
5mins pumping(hard as I can take it, then pulling on the tube 30secs on/30secs off)
5mins SSQ
5mins pumping(hard as I can take it, then pulling on the tube 30secs on/30secs off)
5mins SSQ
20mins cock ring.

Half way through 2021 I get a new ADS. I aim for 6+hrs and manage 1-3 days a week out of the intended 5 days.

I also bring in a silicone sleeve to keep me elongated as I sleep.

By August 2021 my tip hits the top of the 5” ¾ tube so I move up to the 6” tube. Erection is thicker and maybe ½” longer. To be honest I can’t get and keep a 100% erection long enough to measure each month.

Frustrated I reach out to DLD. He assures me my bath mate wasn’t the cause of my ED. He says I need to strengthen my PC muscle so I add Kegels to the routine.

Warm up stretches.
5mins pumping(hard as I can take, then pulling on the tube 30secs on/30secs off)
5mins SSQ(Kegel hard on each stroke)
5mins pumping(hard as I can take, then pulling on the tube 30secs on/30secs off)
5mins SSQ(Kegel hard on each stroke)
5mins pumping(hard as I can take, then pulling on the tube 30secs on/30secs off)
5mins SSQ(Kegel hard on each stroke)
20mins cock ring.

By November 2021 my tip hits the tip of the 6” tube so I move up to the 6” ¼ tube. Erect size is no different but again I can’t get and keep a 100% erection long enough to measure.

I find myself starting to avoid my monthly measurements as I know it’s not working. My frustration then increases when I consider that in the last 6months I’ve hung out with some attractive women and I’ve not been able to keep a solid erection.

In missionary gravity helps me stay 70-80% erect. In cowgirl it’s very easy to quickly end up 50% and flopping out. I’m turned on in these situations but if you were the female it’d be easy to think I wasn’t. I also now have the issue firmly locked in my mind which brings on some performance anxiety.

But I’m going to conquer this as it makes me SO embarrassed and angry!

So, in review I kept a daily record since Jan 2020.

Although I’ve had to occasionally double up, I’ve missed no jelqing or pumping time.

Since buying the ADS in May 2020 I recorded I’ve missed 4months of stretch time. I think a better strategy would be to maybe swap to a Phallosan Forte and sleep with it(brings back bad memories) to hit my traction targets.

My use of the silicone sleeve was even less consistent than the ADS but if its key to growth Ill become more regimented.

Here and now my frustration with my EQ has taken priority over my PE.

As I said earlier Leo’s youtube content brought me here. I’ve started reading Vacuum Pumping 101. I’ve read Vacuum Pumping when you have ED by Avocet8 which was SUPERB to read.

Avocet8 highlighted although a pump can go to a high PSI – that doesn’t mean you want to take it the pressure as high as it can go. I never knew this. This ties in with my gut feeling that my EQ issues started with the bathmate all those years ago as I was always trying to get better and better pumps with it.

So for the last two weeks my routine has been

5mins pumping(About 1/3 of the pressure I used to use)
Remove pump, allow erection to subside
5mins pumping(About 1/3 of the pressure I used to use)
Remove pump, allow erection to subside
5mins pumping(About 1/3 of the pressure I used to use)
Remove pump, allow erection to subside
5mins pumping(About 1/3 of the pressure I used to use)
Few minutes massage
Cock ring 20mins

I now stretch with my ADS down towards my knees but I still feel moving to stretching when I sleep would make it SO much easier to maintain 6+hrs 5days a week.

In an attempt to pull down oestrogen levels and raise Test levels naturally I’ve also brought in the following supps

Tongkat Ali(Mon-Fri)
Citruline Malate
Male Multi Vit
Ionic Zinc

Next month I’ll add, Dim Complex and a pump with a gauge so I can stay exactly within the suggested 4-6 HG’s in Avocet8’s routine.

My diet could be better but this is just down to budgets. Ill typically hit maintenance calories, 180g+ protein, Fibres lower than needed under 15g. I’ve introduced 30-42 eggs a week and I’ll be adding more veg as I’m led to believe there’s a link to veg intake and EQ. During 2022 I’ll get back to six pack lean as well.

Now it could be my imagination but after two weeks of the new pumping routine at less pressure and downward stretching, I felt a little longer but if this routine is to be done for 3months plus then it’s really too early to tell.

All in all, I don’t know if I’ve caused irreparable damage – I hope not but I’ll do whatever it takes with training, eating, PE and supplementation to have my cock working as it should without turning to Viagra etc.

I’m open to your advice and suggestions on how long I should be expecting it to take for me to see EQ improve with Avocet8’s routine and what I do going forward to achieve my 8” length and 6” in girth.

Thank you in advance.

Have you had a blood test for hormone levels, specifically testosterone? If so, what are the results?

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

I haven’t mate, although its something I’ve been considering.


I’ve now completed 4 weeks of a new routine and regained 60-70% erection quality for much longer during sex.

I’ve followed Avocet8’s EQ pumping guide.

4 x 5mins at a lower pressure, Mon - Fri.

20 x 2second kegels morning, noon and night each day.

Still training 6 times a week, using my ADS 6hrs a day and my supplement stack is as follows ⬇️

Tongkat Ali(Mon-Fri)
Citruline Malate
Male Multi Vit
Ionic Zinc
Magnesium Bisglycinate

Next progression will be longer kegels

I’m very keen to see how the next 8weeks goes as the last 4weeks has produced much more than I expected.

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