Hello everyone. I just want to introduce myself. I am 18, and I am interested in PE because it gives me better erections and a little more confidence. I am currently about 6.2-6.75 inches long and have a girth of about 4.6 inches. I will post more accurate measurements when I can. I am mainly looking to gain .5 to 1 inch in girth, but I would be happy to gain .5 to 1 inch both ways. If I achieve my goal I plan to cement my gains then move on with my life. I don’t won’t to become obsessed over penis size or any physical traits for that matter, because only qualities can make people happy and not quantities.
My highest goal is to be able to please the lady who wins my heart. I am still a virgin, and I don’t plan on having sex with just any person. Ideally, I will find an amazing girl who doesn’t even have size cross her mind, and will be happy to be with me for who I am inside a monogamous relationship. I could have slept with many girls, but I value romance and intimacy over a fading temporary sensation. It’s just my personal choice. This last paragraph is all personal. However, I felt like sharing it because I see many people give up on love in favor of having as much sex as possible, and it honestly pains me to see the damage it does to communities: broken families, widespread STD’s, tainted media, etc. All of that meaningless sex for what?