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Losing erection during Bathmate session


Losing erection during Bathmate session

Hello Friends !

I’ve never used a pump before. I bought the Bathmate about a week ago. My question is: Should I get an erection putting my unit flaccid in the tube and pumping ?? It’s not happening. And when I start with a 70% - 80% erection, after 10 minutes I lose about half of erection, that’s normal ?

Everytime I do the Bathmate session my penis gets really heavy, thicker and a little purplish.

Give me your thoughts please !!

Thank you !

I just ordered one ,, you wouldn’t think you would lose your erection with a good pump ?

I think I read somewhere that I should (must) have an erection with the pump. That’s my doubt.

So … The question is whether the friend is normal to lose the erection by pumping. With the effect of pumping with the Bathmate, the penis should be pretty tough. Or will the pump swells the penis but do not let hard?

I also no have experience with the Bathmate…

Thanks for the support Paulinho, my english sucks.

I used to go in with an erection but for me it was just too intense. As you lose your erection it seems the pressure builds pretty high and I would get the blood pooling you’re talking about and would have red spots all over my shaft for days. Kind of looked like lobster meat or something.

I now go in semi-erect and spend a minute or two building up pressure using a make shift strap (made out of a shoe string with two slip knots) to keep the BM in place until I’ve built enough suction for it to hang on with no strap. I also pull it off every five minutes or so and massage my shaft to disperse any blood pooling, then go back in for another five minutes while building up pressure a little quicker second time.

This technique seems to have greatly reduced the “lobster meat” affect and I still feel I’m getting good girth gains. I always put on my extender (size genetics is the one I use) after a BM session and leave it on for 4 hours, take an hour break then back on for 4 more hours.

I’m anxious to see my results over the next 6 months or so with this approach and will definitely post back when I measure again. I only measure once a month at the most but I have been creeping up the BM scale for what that’s worth.

Good luck man.

Originally Posted by wawawuh
I used to go in with an erection but for me it was just too intense. As you lose your erection it seems the pressure builds pretty high and I would get the blood pooling you’re talking about and would have red spots all over my shaft for days. Kind of looked like lobster meat or something.

I now go in semi-erect and spend a minute or two building up pressure using a make shift strap (made out of a shoe string with two slip knots) to keep the BM in place until I’ve built enough suction for it to hang on with no strap. I also pull it off every five minutes or so and massage my shaft to disperse any blood pooling, then go back in for another five minutes while building up pressure a little quicker second time.

This technique seems to have greatly reduced the “lobster meat” affect and I still feel I’m getting good girth gains. I always put on my extender (size genetics is the one I use) after a BM session and leave it on for 4 hours, take an hour break then back on for 4 more hours.

I’m anxious to see my results over the next 6 months or so with this approach and will definitely post back when I measure again. I only measure once a month at the most but I have been creeping up the BM scale for what that’s worth.

Good luck man.

So the advices are: build the pressure slowly and go semi erect ??

Did you lose erection anytime ?

That’s what I’ve been doing the past few weeks. It seems a lot of people go in erect but for me the red shaft that would last for days was just not worth it. My theory is as you lose erection the pressure builds inside the BM due to the lower volume of your penis which causes the pressure outside of the penis (the water pressure in the BM) to get too high. I’m sure everyone is different and can handle different amounts of pressure. One thing for sure though is if you go in soft or semi-erect the intensity is lower, I believe this is what BM recommended routine is also. Also since this device has no gauge you have no way of knowing if you are reaching dangerous levels of pressure.

Try going in semi-erect a few times and see how you like it. Pump it up 3 or 4 times when you first put it on, then wait a few minutes and pump it again just once or twice. This will maintain a decent but not too great of an amount of pressure. If you read the BM instructions they are basically telling you to do it this way. If you have their strap or make your own this will keep you from having to hold the BM in place while your building towards enough pressure that it will stay on by itself.

I always enter the bathmate with about 70% erect, but as I pump it the erection subsides(if I remove the BMit is flaccid), but stays big because of the pressure. I have been pumping for the last 2 weeks Every other day. Last time I did it I pumped up to 17cm, when My natural size is 15,5cm NBPEL. I usually go for around 10-15min.

I went in mine 50 percent and had a temporary gain of 5/8 Inch in girth. I don’t think you need to be erect.

Hmmm , when I get mine I want to play around with it before sex.

Can anyone tell me if that’s a good idea or works.

Can you get an erection quickly after exiting the tube ?

That would be awsome if your erection had another 1/2” of girth !!

The gf would love it !!!!!

Hmm I’m not sure. At least after my session I get kind of.. Hmm how should I put it.. Sore or fatigued? It doesnt hurt but I feel that its tired, if you know what I mean. Maybe I could get an erection directly after, but I’m not sure if the EQ would be top notch.
Maybe my penis is not entirely used to the pressure yet, hence the soreness afterwards. But I really get a nice hang after the sessions, the girlfriend commented on the size of my hang a couple of days ago, but it wasn’t because she was impressed, but because she was worried that it was damaged and swollen.

I hope the pumping goes well for you my friend, I’m currently doing a routine that combines jelqing and pumping - I hope it pays off! I’m off for a session right now!

Hello, if it is your first time using a water pump should treat some details:
for the first month of use: in flaccid state enters the pump, pump no more than 150-160mm. Which are indicated in the pump.
I recommend warm water and do not exceed for the first week the 5 consecutive minutes.
The second week went to 10 minutes. In this way, your penis will get used to the pressure.
The third week you can do even 15 minutes. From this moment onwards can start to enter the pump in erected state.
Gradually increase the pressure and see if you do not cause edema.
More in the can also use it in various ways to perform stretching.
You can do sessions of 20 minutes, change the water with the other hot and make a new session for another 20 minutes.
To conclude: the pump is good and useful only when combined with a program of manual exercises (stretching and jelqs).

Sorry for my English.

Originally Posted by king snake
Hmmm , when I get mine I want to play around with it before sex.
Can anyone tell me if that’s a good idea or works.
Can you get an erection quickly after exiting the tube ?
That would be awsome if your erection had another 1/2” of girth !!
The gf would love it !!

I do this all the time. If I know my GF is coming over I usually shower about half an hour before she gets there. I use the BM with low intensity for a good 10 or 15 minutes total time, coming out of it every 3 or 4 minutes to massage myself so I don’t get that super red skin that happens when I stay in too long. I then go straight into my extender and keep that on until the gate rings for her to get into my building. I’ll take off the extender when buzzing the gate, have small talk for 10 minutes or so and when I feel myself recovering we’ll go play. I’m definitely way thicker as the condoms are a stretch to get on. I was using the BM for a good 3 or 4 months before I started doing this though as when I first started using it I always felt like I needed some recovery time before I could get a good erection. No more though, using this approach I can get an erection pretty quickly after using the BM, I even seem to be able to keep one longer too.

Key for me was learning to use lower pressures for longer durations and periodically removing it to massage out the redness in my shaft.

No need to be fully erect, can be completely soft even, but it takes a bit longer. No need to ever get a really hard erection while inside either. I like low pressure, long duration (15-20). If it feels too tight, the pressure is still too high. Massage it after, with a few jelqs to smooth thing out.

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