Masturbate to much
So I’m on day 4 without masturbating and no porn. I came to the conclusion it was pretty bad I could ejaculate after like 30 seconds which is not like me. And sex has been faster.
I started to masturbate to much cause id get bored or id psych myself out that id want to check my size to make sure it hadnt shrunk. It got pretty bad and would even irritate my gf.
For some reason I always think its going to permanently shrink so id masturbate and check.. I’ve read numerous websites that says your size is your size and will not shrink unless I do PE or damage it severely.
I’m trying to learn to love my penis but I didnt realize it was so hard to(no pun intended)
1-I was wondering if I stop masturbating for 2 full weeks and no porn in general will that help at all?
2-I don’t plan on any PE either. I just want to give me penis a break but by taking this break can I lose any natural girth or length by doing so?
Can someone THINK there penis into shrinking permanently from stressing on it all the time? Or would everything go back to normal once I stop stressing?