Masturbation and PE adverse effects
Hey guys I have been doing PE for a month or so..
I was using newbie routine.then I came across the linear newbie routine which stated that PEing and gaining is much more safer and easier through soft ways rather hard ones..
Actually I was strictly doing newbie and I thought it hurt my penis..
My erections are not that frequent as used to be and nor that hard..
Now I m resting for two three weeks as setting up myself for linear newbie routine..
But I m masturbating after every two three days.I wanna know m I hurting my penis more in that way..
I have been hearing by friends and older people that masturbation lowers your erections and has many other disadvantages..
So should I skip masturbation also or not?
But I really can’t stop myself..
Please senior people here help me to know that does masturbation and PE have those adverse effects or it’s just I m masturbating too much?and will get my hard erections back after staying all masturbation and PE for some days or weeks?