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Masturbation and PE

Masturbation and PE


I’ve seatched this here and I came across mxied answers… Some say the less masturbation the better for gains, some say it’s okay.
I usually do 1 day on 1 day off. I masturbate hours before PE and the next day when it’s rest day. Is this okay?

I doubt there’s a scientific study that could give us a real definite answer to that question. There never is. All we’re doing is just theorizing and speculating. Get that straight, everything you read is somebody’s theory. Nothing has been proven. Everybody has a theory, me included. I don’t see why it would matter either way unless you’re jacking off 10 times a day and throwing your hormonal balance out of whack. And I don’t know, maybe that would be better, maybe it’s worse. We don’t know. Don’t let anybody tell you they do.

Eat good, exercise and lose weight, stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol and coffee. That’s 95% of the battle right there. If masturbation makes up the other 5%, so what. I’ll masturbate and give up the 5. I wouldn’t worry about it, unless you’re chronic, which probably isn’t good for you in any sense, dial it back a bit.

I don’t know, because I’ve never tested it.

On one hand more masturbation would keep the penis engorged which might help with remodeling the tissue in an expanded form.

On the other hand not masturbating will give you more night time erections I think.

Outside of the frequency of spontaneous erections, I don’t know if hormones from masturbation play a role in penis growth.

I don’t see why the men doing “no-fap” couldn’t collect data on their PE to see if it makes a difference.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

My belief is that greater blood flow is beneficial for PE. I find that excessive masturbation (5 times or more a day) leads to turtling that day and reduced morning erections on the next. Currently I like to masturbate in the morning, and before I sleep. I sometimes masturbate before I stretch if I find I am having trouble staying flaccid.

I would be interested in knowing if masturbation does affect blood flow, and if it does by how much.

I think something could be achieved by measuring volume at intervals throughout the day, and keeping records of frequency, and length of masturbation. Someone could then do various types of statistical analysis - although probably not me, my mathematics is limited. However, it would be far from conclusive as so much would be missed (night time volume, the volume during the periods in between the measurements) and it would be hard to account for other factors such as diet, exercise, and the number of attractive people that you see in the day.

Alternatively, I suppose we could record volume at intervals throughout the day while not masturbating for a number of days. Then make the same measurements over the same number of days while masturbating and test for a significant difference. This would still have the same limitations as above.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to easily measure volume? Displacement of water is the best I can come up with. Are flaccid length and flaccid girth directly proportional? If so, measuring flaccid length might be enough.

Originally Posted by Jongle
My belief is that greater blood flow is beneficial for PE. I find that excessive masturbation (5 times or more a day) leads to turtling that day and reduced morning erections on the next. Currently I like to masturbate in the morning, and before I sleep. I sometimes masturbate before I stretch if I find I am having trouble staying flaccid.

I would be interested in knowing if masturbation does affect blood flow, and if it does by how much.

I think something could be achieved by measuring volume at intervals throughout the day, and keeping records of frequency, and length of masturbation. Someone could then do various types of statistical analysis - although probably not me, my mathematics is limited. However, it would be far from conclusive as so much would be missed (night time volume, the volume during the periods in between the measurements) and it would be hard to account for other factors such as diet, exercise, and the number of attractive people that you see in the day.

Alternatively, I suppose we could record volume at intervals throughout the day while not masturbating for a number of days. Then make the same measurements over the same number of days while masturbating and test for a significant difference. This would still have the same limitations as above.

Does anyone have any thoughts on how to easily measure volume? Displacement of water is the best I can come up with. Are flaccid length and flaccid girth directly proportional? If so, measuring flaccid length might be enough.

Using water displacement to measure volume would be the most accurate if you could keep the testicles from entering the water. Testicles very significantly in size throughout the day and depending on various things. Blue balls from not ejaculating for instance increases the size of the testicles significantly due to changes in blood flow temporarily.

Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

Originally Posted by Sigmoid
Using water displacement to measure volume would be the most accurate if you could keep the testicles from entering the water. Testicles very significantly in size throughout the day and depending on various things. Blue balls from not ejaculating for instance increases the size of the testicles significantly due to changes in blood flow temporarily.

Thank you, I’ll see if I can work out a way of doing this. I get the feeling it won’t be easy to do

Originally Posted by Jongle
Thank you, I’ll see if I can work out a way of doing this. I get the feeling it won’t be easy to do

It shouldn’t be too hard. If I want to measure volume of something non porous I put a bowl full of water in a pan, put the thing I want to measure in the bowl (submerge it with an object of known volume if it floats), and measure the water that pours over the edge into the pan with a measuring cup. If you want to get really precise you need to use something with low surface tension so no drops are lost to the pan or bowl surface or keep track of the weights of things pre and post water droplets so you can deduct the volume of the droplets by knowing their weight. 1 ml (1 cm^3) of distilled water at room temp should be 1 gram.

I wouldn’t bother converting cm^3 to inch^3, but if you do there’s a common calculation error you’ll want to check to be sure you’re not making.

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Starting: 7"bplx5.2" 2017 (shrunk from disuse)(originally 8"bplx4.5", gained to 9"bplx6")

Current: 9.0"bplx6.125" 2020

Goal: 11.5"bplx7" 2021.

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